
Thursday, April 20, 2023

Marriage Rate in America Crumbles

If you are a typical American man, why would you want to get married?  You can swipe left on tinder, go get laid by some woman who probably doesn’t know how many partners she’s had, live in your mom’s basement cuz she is divorced and likes having you around, play video games, smoke some weed, work 1 day per week to get some money to go to the bar on Saturday got a good thing going brother!  So the godless liberals have successfully destroyed another crucial foundation that holds up America and has made us one of the greatest nations on God’s green earth.  I don’t see things going well from here.

“Why would I get married and then limit myself to one woman?  I was born for more than that!”, says man.

“Why would I want to have some stinky, snoring guy hanging around my place 24/7?  I’m content with my job, my travel, my girlfriends and my freedom!  If I want to get laid, I could swipe left and have 5 different guys over here in 10 minutes!  I’m living the American feminist woman’s dream!”


 Americans are increasingly forgoing or delaying marriage — a dramatic shift from societal norms a generation ago.

By the numbers: Over the last 50 years, the marriage rate in the U.S. has dropped by nearly 60%.

What’s happening: Taxes and some other legal structures still give an advantage to married couples, but the formal benefits of marriage are diminishing, said Andrew Cherlin, a sociologist at Johns Hopkins. And the societal pressure to marry has eroded dramatically.

“Life is still a bit easier if you’re married,” he said. But many of the life events we link to marriage, such as cohabitating or having kids, are increasingly occurring outside of marriage.

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