
Monday, April 3, 2023

Minneapolis Considers Blasting Muslim Call to Prayer

The Muslim world has a plan to conquer nations without firing a shot.  They first have a few hundred move to a country.  Next they write back to the crap-hole nations from which they came and tell their relatives how awesome America is.  Once they become 5-10% of the local population they start to demand things that Muslims want.  “We want the food shelf to provide us halal food!  We want the city to close schools for Muslim holy days!  We want to have a Muslim on the city council!  We want sharia law and our own police force!  We want non-Muslims to stay out of our part of the city!  We want Ilhan Omar to be a US Congresswoman!  We want our Mosques to blast the call to prayer throughout the whole city so all can know that Allah is great and grow to fear him and us!”

If you try and stand up against their goals of conquest you will be called racist, prejudiced and Islamophobic and bullied until you sit down and shut up!  It’s already worked in Sweden, UK and Germany to name a few.  Funny thing is, can any of you name any Muslim nations where anyone wants to immigrate to?  Allah is a demon god and Muhammad was who he possessed.  The religion leads to misery,  ignorance and authoritarianism no matter where it plants it’s ugly head.

But let’s please remember that any Muslims that God puts in our path are lost and need evangelizing.  Jesus is currently bring thousands of Muslims to himself every day by using dreams and visions so let’s be part of bringing them into the bride of Christ whenever we can.  The harvest is at hand.


Any concession that non-Muslims make to adopt Islamic norms and laws gradually erodes the foundations of Western civilization, undermines the principles of the rule of law, and ends the fundamental notion of equality for all individuals.

The Minnesota chapter of Hamas-linked CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) is demanding that mosques in Minneapolis can broadcast the Islamic call to prayer five times a day versus the already allotted three times a day. 

Referred to as the Adhan, the Islamic call to prayer is intended to show “power and control over a country.” The Adhan declares the supremacy of Allah of Islam and is considered a “warlike declaration.” The following is a translation of the Adhan by RAIR Foundation USA:

Allah is greater [than your God], (Allahu akbar); intoned four times.
I testify that there is no god [who is worthy of worship] except Allah.
I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
Come to prayer. Come to prayer.
Come to success. Come to success
Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest.
There is no god except Allah.

The terror-tired group wants residents to not only hear the eardrum-shattering disturbance in the late mornings and afternoon but also in the early morning and evenings. For this to happen, the Islamic supremacists are demanding that the city’s noise ordinance rules be changed just for them.

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