
Saturday, April 8, 2023

NYC Skyscrapers Lit Up With Crosses for Good Friday

The foundations of America seem to be completely torn apart.  When you see this photo from NYC from just 65 years ago and then imagine how far we are from that today?  In fact we just learned that the Muslims have a better chance of getting Call to Prayer blasted on loudspeakers in NYC.  This whole recent gender confusion is quite possibly the final stage of the breakdown.  Read some statistics below about fatherlessness and godlessness.  The fear of the Lord is about gone.  The Restrainer within every believer is being outnumbered by a wider and wider margin with every passing year.  A majority of Americans now believe America is an evil nation founded by slave traders and that white Europeans are the scourge of the earth.  And these folks now get to vote and they will vote in more and more godlessness until only a tiny remnant of Christ followers remain.  Pray that the Lord makes us all like the sons of Issachar who saw the times they were in and understood what to do.  Exciting times for sure...but also kind of sad when you see this photo.  If the Lord tarries, I feel so bad for our kids and grandkids.


 "A mere 65 years ago, New York City celebrated the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus' death on Calvary for all to see. There is no question the nation has performed a complete transformation, and not for the better," Patti Garibay, founder of American Heritage Girls in Cincinnati, told Fox News Digital. 

Last month, a poll from The Wall Street Journal found that just 39% of Americans say their religious faith is very important to them, compared with 62% as recently as 1998. 

The nation's rejection of Judeo-Christian values has been accompanied by a breakdown of basic and once-sacred building blocks of society, including the family

In 1950, only 5% of U.S children lived in single-parent homes, according to federal data. 

Today, that figure is 38% among non-immigrant families, and as high as 50% in some states.

The breakdown of the family creates a whole slew of related social ills, including crime, poverty and failures in education. 

"The fruit of evil is chaos, disorder and confusion," Rabbi Kirt Schneider of Ohio, author of "Messianic Prophecy Today" and host of the TV program, "Discovering the Jewish Jesus," told Fox News Digital. 

"Everything is compromised. Everybody thinks their moral standing is more compassionate than the word of God."

He cited the so-called "gender-fluid" movement as an example of this chaos — and conveyed his belief that people are so lost without foundational values they can no longer accept the reality of gender as created by God and defined by science.

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