
Saturday, May 20, 2023

America’s New Religion is “Woke”

 The new Woke Religion in America has its own flags, its own evangelists, its own recruiters and its own ability to send anybody to “cancel hell” should anybody refuse to bow down to their god.  Christianity is plunging.  And many folks report they left the church because they didn’t like it’s teachings on LGBTQ matters.  That’s fine.  Jesus said there would be a separation of the wheat and the chaff.  People who say they are Christians but don’t read or believe the Bible aren’t really Christians after all.  Pray for America.


The number of Americans who attend church once a week fell from 19 percent in 2019 to 16 percent last year, says the survey of some 6,600 adults across all 50 states.

Only 64 percent of Americans identify as Christian nowadays — that percentage has been steadily dropping.

The share of ‘nones’ — those without any religious affiliation — has meanwhile risen to 27 percent.

What we are witnessing is a shift of seismic proportions.

Over the past few years, unprecedented numbers of Americans have either switched to a new faith or have decided that it is time to walk away from religion completely.

Among those that have made a switch, approximately 30  percent say that it was due to “negative religious teachings about or treatment of LGBTQ+ people”

About 30% said negative religious teachings about or treatment of LGBTQ+ people forced them to change.


Of course support for the LGBTQ+ agenda is one of the core tenets of the new “woke” religion.

And once June starts the entire country will be spending an entire month conducting gatherings, parades and celebrations to show how fervently they support “pride”.

The transformation of America is virtually complete.

Our entire society has been turned completely upside down, and if we stay on the path that we are currently on there is not going to be a future for our nation.

But at this point the environment in the U.S. has become so extreme that we are not even allowed to have a debate about such things.

There shall be no deviating from the new orthodoxy, and those that attempt to do so are likely to get brutally canceled.

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