
Friday, May 12, 2023

Could the Government Limit Your Withdrawals From Your Bank Account?

 I think we all realize that when you put your money in your savings or checking account that the bank doesn't have all that cash on hand.  You didn't give them cash in the first place.  You gave them a check from your employer and the numbers shifted from your employer's bank account and into yours.  There is really only a fraction of cash to represent the trillions of dollars that are sitting as $000's in the banking system.

So I think we all KNOW what would happen if a whole bunch of us went to our banks and asked to withdraw all our money.  It couldn't possibly be handed to us in cash because the CASH DOESN'T EXIST!

As we recently saw with the bank failure in Silicon Valley, the account owners all demanded their money in cash and the bank closed and subsequently failed.

So what would happen to America if their was a large panic and people lost confidence in their bank and all ran to the bank at the same time and demanded their money?  Not just one bank but all the banks across the entire country?


The banks would have no choice but to close.  The cash machines would be out of cash in about 10 minutes with no armored car coming to replenish them.

An expert in economics is warning that the Biden administration may be looking at ways to lock down your checking account - literally ban withdrawals from the banking system.

The teams Biden has installed in power in the federal government already have moved to force you to buy an electric car, limited the kinds of appliances you can buy, censored the questions you can raise about fair elections and much more.

Now the next step could be your bank account, according to hedge fund manager and macro economic expert Hugh Hendry.

A report at The Daily Hodl explained Hendry was in an interview with Bloomberg Markets when the questions of mass panic and capital flight came up.

He said the moves away from the U.S. banking system, which recently has seen several major institutions fail, is justified.

The report explained, "Hendry says a further decline in the M2 money supply, which in part tracks money in liquid checking accounts, could convince the U.S. government to step in and prevent citizens from taking their capital out of the banking system."

"Sometimes it's kind of relevant to panic. I would recommend you panic... You've seen the biggest waterfall decline in M2 right now. M2 is deposits, not loans. That's the deposits fleeing the system and going into money market funds," he explained. "That could reach a crescendo where the Treasury and the Fed may have to come in and actually restrict your right as a U.S. citizen to pull money out of the U.S. banking sector."

 He continued, "There is capital flight, deposit flight from the banking sector seeking yield. I fear that, I don't say this lightly, but in 1934 the Federal Reserve Act confiscated gold from U.S. citizens.

"We're at the point where the Fed and Treasury officials I'm sure are having to consider a gate, a lock on U.S. bank deposits."

Here;  U.S. May Freeze Bank Withdrawals As Currency Fear Rises, Expert Warns (

This dude is recommending that we panic.  While it is true that the first one to panic and pull out their money might very well get their money and the last dude to panic will be left with looking at closed doors at the bank...if this happens we are talking about a melt down of our entire system.  So while you might have your cash, if you think Target and Walmart and Cub are all operating with "Business as usual", you would be mistaken.  So what would you do with all your cash if there are no stores open to take it?

I read an article like this and believe it is just one more sign of how close we are to the Great Tribulation.  A time when a new monetary system will be in place that doesn't allow for cash.

As followers of Christ we are NOT to live in fear.  We cling to the words of Jesus that very clearly told us that life will be "business as usual" up until the time He comes for us.  People will be eating and drinking, planning their weddings, building houses and planting crops.  These are all activities that are happening today and will be happening up until the rapture.  After that...all bets are off.

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