
Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Earth Disaster is Coming. All the Evidence

 The Bible tells us that the earth is literally groaning under the curse.  We have blogged for years about the numerous articles that have the phrase, "Never seen!" or "Biggest ever recorded!"  We look in amazement as we see Lake Mead shrinking to it's lowest level EVER and then are amazed as the largest snow pack EVER in California begins to fill the reservoirs again in record fashion.  We read of the devastating droughts that have infected so many places. Just today we read about Oklahoma and how it's the worst winter wheat they have EVER seen.

This video was sent to me by a reader and is very "blogworthy" material as it presents all the evidence that the earth is getting ready for a polar change.  We already know that the North Pole has been sliding south some feet or yards every year but the evidence would suggest that once this starts the shift starts to increase exponentially so literally could happen within weeks of months.

If this does happen, the people of planet earth will be blown away by the changes predicted.  It kind of sounds like something that could happen during the Great Tribulation?  Are we all eager to say goodbye to this earth and hello to King Jesus?  If we aren't ready maybe we should be asking ourselves, "why?"

Watch the 16 minute video here;

Hat tip to Jared F.

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