
Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Israel Developing Laser Beam to Shoot Down Rockets

 Israel continues to prepare for the day when all the Muslims surrounding them make another attempt to "drive them all into the sea!"  It happened in 1948, 1967, 1974 and now we've had about a 50 year lull in any major attacks from multiple nations.  But Iran has recently been sharpening it's rhetoric and the Jews have learned to pay attention when folks say, "death to Israel!  Death to Jews!"

And today we read that the Israelites have been working with laser beams and most likely have come up with some cutting edge technology to shoot missiles out of the sky at the speed of light!

The dream of a new security system that intercepts rockets using a powerful laser, an optical shield, is one that Israel’s citizens can still only fantasize about. However, the development of such a system is accelerating these days in preparation for its deployment in southern Israel.

“I want us to reach a situation that will cause the enemy to completely despair. Let them understand that we have laser pointers deployed where necessary, that the enemy can shoot what they want at us but everything will be intercepted almost at the moment of the launch itself, long before it reaches Israeli territory and threatens someone or something here. In this situation, we may not even have to activate the alarms in Israel. Why would a family from Sderot have to wake up in the middle of the night to run to their bomb shelter if we already intercepted the threats long before they crossed the border? It will be quiet. For us, this is a complete negation of the enemy’s capabilities.”

This futuristic scenario comes from Major Hananel, one of the leaders of the Magen Or (Iron Beam) program under development by Rafael and the Ministry of Defense which is expected to be ready for operational use by the IDF next year.

Rafael and the Administration for the Development of Weapons and Technological Infrastructure in the Ministry of Defense invited Calcalist for a rare first glimpse into the guts of the new defense system that is about to redefine the battlefield. For about two decades, the defense industries have been trying to get their hands on effective technologies that would allow the interception of rockets through lasers, and a sequence of advances and breakthroughs that have occurred in the last five years is going to make this possible.

If there are no dramatic and unexpected last minute disruptions, it is possible that in about a year an innovative weapons system will be deployed in the field that may earn a place of honor alongside the tank, the fighter plane, the rifle and the missile.

At least in the first stages of its life, Magen Or will operate alongside the Iron Dome, which recently marked 12 years since its first operational interception. The division of labor will be clear. Iron Dome will detect a launch towards Israel, the system’s mission computer will analyze in milliseconds the rocket’s flight patterns, calculate trajectory, angles, speed and altitude, and after reaching a conclusion about its estimated falling place, decide whether to intercept it or allow it to fall in an open, unpopulated area. Should interception be required, a powerful energy strike from the Iron Beam can do to a rogue rocket what an expensive interceptor missile has done until now.


The Jews will end up having a really tough time when they get deceived by the Antichrist but I have a pretty good idea that the Muslim/Arabs and Muslim/Persians will never be able to accomplish their dreams of running the Jews all into the sea and drowning them.

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