
Thursday, May 25, 2023

Reparations for Black People?

The discussion and desire seems to be building.  There are folks who are seriously calling for millions of dollars to be given to black people whose ancestors were slaves.  But who should pay?  Where does the money come from?  Who should get it?  What if you descended from slaves who were owned by black people?  Should the blacks who descended from that black slave owner have to pay reparations to other blacks?  The whole thing is so stupid I don’t know where to start explaining!  But nothing appears too idiotic these days for the Democrats to embrace and then push down everyone else’s throats.  Let’s watch what California does for reparations and you can be sure it’ll spread.


 A descendant of slaves running for Congress is calling on President Biden to give qualifying Black Americans $2.8 million in reparations for the lasting effects of slavery.

"Reparations is about a debt that is due," Gregg Marcel Dixon, who hopes to unseat Democratic Rep. James Clyburn in South Carolina’s 6th Congressional District, told Fox News Digital.

For 31 years, Dixon lived with his great-grandmother who was raised by former slaves, according to a campaign ad he posted on Twitter.

"We like to say slavery was a long time ago, but you are looking at a man who was raised in the same house with a woman who was raised by someone who was enslaved by America," he said about Justine Brown, who died at 101 years old in 2015.

Dixon explained that Brown's grandfather was born enslaved in Beaufort, South Carolina, in 1838, and died in 1930.

"This country owes reparations to Black Americans and if this country had done to you what it had done to Black Americans, I would be right there fighting for you to get what you owed as well," he said.

He told Fox News Digital that his ancestor Quash Fripp fought in the Union Army during the civil war.

Dixon said that he thinks that Americans who identify as Black and can trace their lineage to slaves are owed $2.8 million in government bonds, adding that the amount should go up each day the reparations are not given.

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