
Monday, May 15, 2023

Who Wants to Destroy Israel? You May be Surprised

 God told us that in the very last days he would bring the Jewish people back to the very land he promised Abraham.  Once he brought them back the nation would never be totally destroyed again even though many people and even the Antichrist will try their best.  

Today Israel is in turmoil.  They had 5 election cycles recently that failed to deliver them a Prime Minister who could govern a majority of the parties.  Finally, Netanyahu made it in by the skin of his teeth and is just barely holding on.

This article is very interesting for all of us who watch Israel because we KNOW it's God's timepiece. 

It is the first time in Israel's short history that a large-scale movement has been launched using undemocratic means to overthrow a democratically elected government.

The new government, in fact, is trying to restore democracy – by reforming Supreme Court practices that were adopted starting in the 1990s, which allow unelected, unaccountable Supreme Court justices to deliver rulings based on "reasonableness" rather than on written law – often meaning, "whatever I think is reasonable". Israel's Supreme Court is currently said have "virtually limitless power': it asserts the right to veto both political appointments and military decisions; it has no mechanism for recourse, and no requirement for "standing" -- meaning that the litigant need not be directly affected by the decision, such as having a personal wrong righted. On the contrary, anyone can directly petition the Supreme Court, anytime, about anything. The last provision has opened the floodgates for lawsuits by "concerned" non-governmental organizations dissatisfied with decisions Israel has taken. In addition, sitting Supreme Court justices – not the electorate and not the parliament – have the power to approve or veto any appointment of new justices, leading to a closed "club" in which no one is flustered by dissent.

The Biden Administration, staffed by many of the same people who were in the Obama Administration, has behaved as an enemy of Israel from day one. The Administration quickly restored US funding to the Palestinian Authority without asking it to stop supporting terrorism or even to stop inciting violence. The Biden Administration then opened a U.S. Office of Palestinian Affairs and installed, as "special representative for Palestinian affairs", Hady Amr who has admitted being "inspired by the Palestinian intifada".

The Biden Administration has, to its credit, during the hundreds of recent missile attacks -- 1,235 rockets over five days, launched at a country the size of New Jersey -- said that "Israel has the right to protect itself and defend its people from indiscriminate rocket attacks launched by terrorist groups" -- yet for the past two years, has done nothing to eliminate Israel's most serious threat – Iran's nuclear program – apart from seemingly trying to have Iran not use any nuclear weapons during the current administration's term.

The Biden Administration has, additionally, considerably eroded America's influence in the Middle Easy, thereby creating a situation of extreme peril for Israel and other erstwhile US allies in the Gulf. Biden, even during his 2020 presidential campaign, repeatedly vowed to treat Saudi Arabia as a "pariah"... This rebuff was followed by the Biden Administration's refusal to promise either that it would stop negotiating with Iran for a deal enabling the mullahs to have unlimited nuclear weapons, and fears that the US would not protect Saudi Arabia and other Arab allies in the Gulf from Iran.

Iran's mullahs also can see that the United Arab Emirates in 2021, signed a contract with the Chinese company Huawei, now building a 5G network in the Gulf state – thereby making the UAE totally vulnerable to Chinese intelligence penetration. That contract was followed by the cancellation of a $23 billion arms purchase from the United States.

The seemingly unremitting desire of the Biden administration to reach an agreement with the Iranian regime at almost any price and to realign American foreign policy in the Middle East toward a policy led by Iran was evidently what led to Saudi Arabia's restoration of ties with Iran. Biden's eagerness to treat Saudi Arabia as "pariah" had turned an ally into a question mark. Meanwhile, the Iranian regime, more expansionist by the day -- which the Saudi regime is not -- reveals that despite the decidedly unsavory murder of Osama bin Laden's friend and Muslim Brotherhood acolyte Jamal Khashoggi, the Iranian regime is, by light years, far more dangerous to the stability of the region and beyond, as well as even more hostile to human rights than Saudi Arabia ever was.

Moreover, the strategic cooperation agreement signed in March 2021 between Iran and China has deepened the ties between the mullahs and the Chinese Communist Party, geopolitically and economically, to the detriment of the United States. The means of payment on which they agreed will not be the world's reserve currency for oil, the US dollar, but instead, China's yuan.

A few weeks ago, when a key official in Israel's defense ministry was in Washington to request more American support for Israel in case the Israeli government thinks necessary to attack Iran's nuclear program, no answer was given.

"The land of Israel and the State of Israel are acquired through many trials and tribulations.... They will not overcome us; we will overcome them". — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, April 24, 2023.

A terrorist carried out a car-ramming attack at Jerusalem's Mahane Yehuda market a few hours earlier. Netanyahu was talking about terrorists, but his words could be addressed to all enemies of Israel and to all those who want to destroy it.

Here;  Who Wants to Destroy Israel? You Might Be Surprised. :: Gatestone Institute

Let's all remember that if America's leaders, led by Biden and the Democrats, continue to make themselves and enemy of Israel then God will make us His enemy.  Let's remember that when Trump and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, proposed dividing the land of Israel and granting a capital for the proposed Palestinian State in Jerusalem, the USA was immediately met with an outbreak of hurricanes and Trump quickly fell from power.

When God says he will curse those who curse Israel, that was an everlasting promise.

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