
Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Georgia Peaches Wiped Out

There are just so many articles/headlines about extreme/unusual weather events affecting everyone’s food.  It’s the worst drought in decades or the worst flooding in a generation or “a cold snap not seen since 1955”. The strange weather continues.  The Leftists are positive that it’s man-made Climate Change wreaking all the havoc.  That has become their new religion and they will eventually incarcerate anyone who disagrees.  Bible readers know that all this strange weather is just one of the birth pangs that Jesus spoke about.  The earth is groaning for its redemption.


The Peach State lost more than 90% of this year’s crop after abnormally warm weather this winter and a late-season freeze, Dario Chavez, an associate professor of Horticulture at the University of Georgia, told CNN. 

Georgia normally produces more than 130 million pounds of peaches annually, according to the University of Georgia, and the crop in 2021 was valued at nearly $85 million. 

Georgia was the third-largest producer of peaches in the country as of 2021, according to the US Department of Agriculture. South Carolina – which is also seeing a thinner yield this year due to extreme temperatures – ranks second behind California, which produces four times more peaches than Georgia and South Carolina combined.

Crops like peaches require a certain number of “chill hours,” ranging between 32 degrees and 45 degrees. The cold allows the plants to go into dormancy, much like people need sleep, Chavez explained. Different varieties of peaches require different number of “chill hours,” and this year the state did not have enough cold hours for many varieties that were planted. 

The problem was exacerbated when late-season cold temperatures swept across the Southeast. Some varieties of peaches had already started to bloom in March and were “very susceptible to damage,” Chavez said. The freeze damaged and destroyed a number of the early flowers.

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