
Wednesday, June 28, 2023

How is it that so Many Christians Can’t See That Time is Running Out?

For those of us that are daily watching for the return of Christ to snatch His bride away, we can be amazed when we run into other “Christians” who appear to have no clue what is going on.  How can they not see it, we wonder.  I run into some who acknowledge that while things look dark right now that it can only mean that Jesus is getting ready to have another Great Awakening in America.  Scripture does NOT seem to confirm that.  I run into others who say that Jesus can’t come in the rapture because the Gospel hasn’t been preached throughout the entire world.  That’s wrong too because the 144,000 Jewish males will take care of that part AFTER the rapture.  And of course when you run into a Christian who has no clue about Israel and the Jews, you can almost bet that they won’t have any clue about the God’s timetable.  But for those of us who “won’t be surprised” if the trumpet blows any day now, these are exciting times!  Come Lord Jesus!


Most reading this magazine have seen things in their lifetime that are, quite frankly, astounding:

  • The re-birth and prospering of the nation of Israel
  • The rise of artificial intelligence
  • The preparation of the coming digital currency
  • The use of a pandemic to hasten global government
  • The rise of Mark of the Beast technology
  • The rise of apostasy in the church the last 60 years
  • The death of discernment
  • Talk of a third temple in Israel
  • The scoffing of Bible prophecy
  • A cancel culture that cancels Christians
  • The exponential rise of evil
  • The rise of anti-Semitism

The list could go on with another twenty bullet points!

A headline on the Drudge Report said it all: “Global Economy Struggles Amid Inflation, Pandemic Aftershocks, and War.” The world’s a mess.

All Set for the Antichrist

As Jonathan Brentner states, “Twenty-five years ago, it would have been impossible for the Antichrist to control commerce in the world in the way that we read in Revelation 13:16-18. He would have needed a massive army of devotees to do so.

“Today, with the advances in artificial intelligence, gigantic databases, and 5G technology, it will soon be possible for one person to set the parameters of buying and selling for everyone in the world. By the midpoint of the Tribulation, he will be able to control buying and selling worldwide with the flip of a switch.”

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