
Wednesday, June 7, 2023

It’s Too Late! The Arctic Ice is Melting Too Fast!

 It’s funny that they tell us, “since satellite records began in 1979”.  If you go back to 1979 you will find that climate scientists were telling us that all the scientific evidence showed that the world was heading into an ice age that was going to cause serious disruption and death.  So following 30 years of cold and snow from the 60’s into the 80’s the ice thickened in the Arctic.  Now it’s melting as we enter a warming cycle for the past decades.  No doubt the governments of the world will use this “ice melting” and “ice age coming” narrative to force another level of control over the people.  “Do as you’re told or you will have your banking card shut off!”


It is now too late to save summer Arctic sea ice, research has shown, and scientists say preparations need to be made for the increased extreme weather across the northern hemisphere that is likely to occur as a result.

Analysis shows that even if greenhouse gas emissions are sharply reduced, the Arctic will be ice-free in September in coming decades. The study also shows that if emissions decline slowly or continue to rise, the first ice-free summer could be in the 2030s, a decade earlier than previous projections.

The research shows that 90% of the melting is the result of human-caused global heating, with natural factors accounting for the rest.

Since satellite records began in 1979, summer Arctic ice has shrunk by 13% a decade, in one of the clearest signs of the climate crisis. Arctic sea ice reaches its annual minimum at the end of summer, in September, and in 2021 it was at its second lowest extent on record.

“Unfortunately it has become too late to save Arctic summer sea ice,” said Prof Dirk Notz, of the University of Hamburg, Germany, who was part of the study team. “As scientists, we’ve been warning about the loss of Arctic summer sea ice for decades. This is now the first major component of the Earth system that we are going to lose because of global warming. People didn’t listen to our warnings.

“This brings another warning bell, that the kind of projections that we’ve made for other components of the Earth system will start unfolding in the decades to come.”

Other climate scientists said in 2022 that the world was on the brink of multiple disastrous tipping points.

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