
Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Target Stores In All Kinds of Trouble From All Sides

 So your local Target store decided to stock baby and toddler LGBTQ clothing.  One swimsuit that really pushed the "normal" people too far was a swimsuit for little boys that had a pouch built in to hide the kids he could look more like a girl if that's who he identified as.

The "normal" people made the videos of Target merch go viral and everybody said, "I'm not shopping at the woke store anymore!"  And Target stock started to come down losing billions in market share.  How much had to do with the boycott from normal people??  We don't know.

So Target started to move their LGBTQ products to the back of the store or remover them completely.  This has now set off the LGBTQ mafia who is demanding that Target put all the gay crap right in the main entrance to the store because its PRIDE MONTH for the gays.

So now Target is in a place where everybody is pissed at them.  Oh well, the gays only account for 1% of Americans so Target would be wise to pay attention to the 99%.

More than 200 LGBTQ groups angered by Target's decision to pull Pride merchandise from shelves are demanding the company "denounce extremists" and restock all the Pride merchandise in stores and online.

The Human Rights Campaign, along with GLAAD, GLSEN and other groups, released a statement asking Target and other businesses like Anheuser-Busch to "reject and speak out against anti-LGBTQ+ extremism going into Pride Month." More than 200 other progressive and LGBTQ organizations signed on to the statement, which argued that showing support for their community was good for business.

The organizations laid out a three-part demand that calls on Target to restock all the Pride merchandise both in stores and online, ensure the safety of Target employees and release a statement "reaffirming their commitment to the LGBTQ+ community" within 24 hours.

"When it comes to advancing diversity, equity and inclusion, there is no such thing as neutrality," the LGTBQ coalition said.

The coalition suggested they would continue to support Target and other businesses who rejected criticism from consumers.

"Target, and all businesses, can leverage the support of LGBTQ+ organizations to navigate this hate, so that together, we can let extremists know unequivocally that, just as with every other failed anti-LGBTQ+ campaign of the past, fear will not win," the statement reads.

Target displays LGBTQ-themed apparel annually leading into June. However, the retail giant came under increased scrutiny after consumers noticed stores selling "tuck-friendly" women's bathing suits for transgender people and Pride apparel for children and infants.

The company responded to widespread backlash over the Pride merchandise by moving some Pride products to less prominent sections of the store and removing other merchandise altogether. Target said it moved the products to ensure employees' safety.

Here;  200 LGBTQ groups demand Target restock Pride merch, release statement now: 'No such thing as neutrality' | Fox News

You know who else said, "You are either for me or against me?  You are either scattering or gathering."  Yep, that'd be Jesus.

So not only have the gays hijacked God's promise, the rainbow, but now they are stealing Jesus' words and saying, "You are either FOR US or AGAINST US!  There can be no neutrality in this societal battle.  You either bow to us or we will bully and beat you until you fly the dang rainbow flag in your front yard!!"

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