
Thursday, June 29, 2023

The Sparkle Creed

 We were told that in the very Last Days that people would have a “form of godliness” but that it wouldn’t have any power.  We were told that a great falling away (apostasy) would also happen.  Churches that used to preach the Gospel 100 years ago with conviction would fade away into preaching whatever tickled the ears of the folks sitting in their pews.  We are there!

As you watch this video below of people in a church reciting the Sparkle Creed, please remember that if you asked them what they were they would likely say, “we are Christians”.

Also ironic is that the people who are most concerned about being misgendered by others using the wrong pronouns, have no problem misgendering God/Jesus and not using His preferred pronouns.🙄

Hat tip to Maren L.

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