
Thursday, June 22, 2023

Was it Aliens or was it the Rapture?

Today we find another author who is convinced that all this talk of aliens and UFOs in the past weeks is more evidence that the rapture is close.  If you read the entire article you will notice that he points out many things we have pointed out over these past 15 years.  One being evolution and the teaching and belief in it.  If Satan can get folks to believe that we evolved from pond scum on earth, it’s an easy stretch to convince folks that those same circumstances would evolve life on other planets too.  Come Lord Jesus!


Something interesting has been happening in the mainstream news over the previous three years, and especially the last six months. Christians should pay attention, as it may be one of the very last signs that we should expect to see before the Rapture.

What is it? A notable uptick in news stories about aliens, extraterrestrials, unidentified flying objects (UFOs), and other unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), all of which are being discussed by experts and high-level authorities of many sorts.

Just this past week, several mainstream news agencies reported on a dramatic sighting of ‘aliens,’ supposedly in a Las Vegas resident’s backyard, after a UFO was spotted nearby. Interviewers claim the family is sincere and are not trying to create a hoax. [1]

Over the last half-century or more, there have been many people who have told stories about their supposed encounters with aliens. What got my attention about this recent story was how it appears to have been taken seriously by both the police and the mainstream media. This ‘sighting’ also occurred in a major city where other eyewitnesses say they saw the UFO. The UFO was also supposedly recorded on a police officer’s bodycam, thus giving this story an appearance of credibility that many other sightings lack.

An additional requirement for the world to believe that aliens exist is the theory of biological evolution, which itself requires the unbiblical idea that Earth is billions of years old. Affirming the impossible idea that life evolved from non-living materials without the need for a divine creator has now become almost mandatory for anyone who wants a respectable career in the sciences. Creationists, on the other hand, are often ridiculed and marginalized for their alternative scientific interpretations of geology and biology that are more compatible with the biblical timeline in Genesis.

So, if most scientists believe that evolution occurred here on Earth, then it is not a stretch for them to believe that it could have occurred elsewhere in the universe, too. Thus, it is no longer uncommon for scientists to discuss the possibility of finding life on other planets. Yet usually, such discussion is limited to the theoretical conditions that would be necessary on these planets, how to locate said planets, how to detect signals coming from these planets, and what sort of technology would be needed to travel to/from these planets.

But however it will happen, I do believe that ‘aliens’ will play at least some role in the end-times events that will occur after the Rapture. Otherwise, there would be no need for interest in the topic to be ramping up, just as we are seeing all of the other signs of the end times also increasing and converging. There is also no better way to explain the sudden disappearance of millions of billions of people, all around the world, at the exact same moment in time.

Thus, I believe that Satan knows the Rapture is near, and so he is increasing the amount of demonic UFO and alien activity in order to lay the groundwork for a massive deception that may be used to explain away the Rapture.

As Christians today wait for the glorious appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ, we should not be alarmed by these stories about aliens or UFOs, or be deceived by them into giving up a biblical worldview.

Instead, we should prepare those around us by sharing the gospel and telling them about the Rapture ahead of time, including warning them that the world will probably be told that it was caused by aliens. That way, if these people are left behind, they will hopefully know that, no, it wasn’t aliens—it was the Rapture, and they will put their faith in Jesus.

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