
Monday, July 10, 2023

CDC Issues Guidance on "Chestfeeding"

 The liberals among us will simply nod and say, "yes, these seems very normal."  For conservatives we will read this and say, "No wonder we question the 'scientific ability' of the CDC when they are bowing to the cultural lunacy!  Only women with breasts can suckle babies!!"

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention actually has issued official guidance for "nonbinary" people on how to "chestfeed" infants. 

This latest woke lunacy isn't just a disturbing policy. In a larger sense, it demonstrates how powerful governmental institutions have been co-opted on behalf of a larger, elite-driven cultural revolution.

The CDC guidance, in isolation, is certainly disturbing.

The public health agency's website explains:

Some transgender parents who have had breast/top surgery may wish to breastfeed, or chestfeed (a term used by some transgender and non-binary parents) their infants. Healthcare providers working with these families should be familiar with medical, emotional, and social aspects of gender transitions to provide optimal family-centered care and meet the nutritional needs of the infant.

We are apparently supposed to believe that the secretions produced by these men interested in "chestfeeding"--many of whom are on serious hormones--is the same as it is for women, and that it's entirely safe for infants. 

But it seems there are some serious health risks here that the CDC is ignoring.

The CDC further noted that those identifying as transgender "may need help with ... maximizing milk production, supplementing with pasteurized donor human milk or formula, medication to induce lactation or avoiding medications that inhibit lactation, suppressing lactation (for those choosing not to breastfeed or chestfeed)..."

The guidance is drawing criticism from doctors who note that the hormone drugs taken by men wanting to "chestfeed" may be dangerous for the baby being fed. Indeed, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned that at least one of the hormone drugs frequently used "can pass into breast milk in small amounts and can sometimes give babies an irregular heartbeat as a result." 

Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, told the Daily Mail that "we have no idea what the long-term effects on the child will be. ... The CDC has a responsibility to talk about the health risks, but they have been derelict in doing that."

Given the CDC's track record, it's not far-fetched to assume that not only are officials there conveniently overlooking some facts about the safety of "chestfeeding," they are prioritizing the desires of the radical transgender movement over the health of children.

Here;  CDC Continues Cultural Madness With Guidance Paper On 'Chestfeeding' (

Words do matter!  What is a woman?  We don't know!  Is your newborn a boy or a girl?  We don't know!  What is that dude with a penis doing undressing with your little girls in the locker room??  We don't know!  How many mothers does this child have?  We can't know and we shouldn't even ask!  How many fathers does this child have??  We have no idea and its not appropriate to even ask.

It's ironic to me that the CDC reported Covid deaths during the pandemic as so many MALES and so many FEMALES.  So in their own reporting they acknowledged that there were only 2 genders who could possibly die of Covid.  And yet when it comes to talking about the science of males and females they suddenly can't tell the difference.

Expect this lunacy and delusion to get worse as the Day of Christ draws near.  Keep pushing back as we try to restrain the evil and delusion until the Restrainer dwelling in all believers is removed.

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