
Wednesday, August 23, 2023

As a Nation, Can't We Do Better Than Trump vs. Biden?

 Sadly, I think it's true that a nation will get the leaders that it deserves.  Ben Franklin famously told a woman that "America is getting a republic, if you can keep it."  The headlines are screaming all around us every single day that America is getting very close to losing its Constitutional Republic.

Today, John Stossel, asks the very real question about why America can't come up with some better presidential material than Trump vs Biden.

The betting odds say the next election will likely be a rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

It’s odd, since polls show most Americans don’t like either man.

There are good reasons for that. My new video covers some of the worst.

Trump is simply mean. He humiliates people, taking pleasure in mocking them publicly.

In his real estate work, he’s famous for not paying little people who work for him. He stiffed a cabinet-builder, a dishwasher and a plumber. No one is too small to get bad treatment from Trump.

It’s sad that today, America is so divided. Trump makes that worse.

Of course, Biden is divisive, too. Running for office, he promised, “I will draw on the best of us, not the worst.”

But now that he’s president, he does the opposite. He calls his opponents “full of anger, violence, hate and division.” This is drawing on “the best of us”?

Then there are the lies.

Trump lies even about unimportant things, like the crowd at his inauguration, ratings for his TV show, even claiming he won a nonexistent “Man of the Year” award.

And of course, he lies about the big things, like winning the last election “by a landslide.”

But Biden lies, too. When Georgia required voters to show identification, Biden called that “Jim Crow on steroids.” He said that again and again.

But that’s a lie. Jim Crow stopped Black people from voting. After Georgia’s law passed, a poll found “zero percent of Black voters said they had a poor voting experience.”

Biden has long lied to advance himself. He claimed he was “the first in his family ever to go to a university.” But he wasn’t.

He plagiarized that line from a British politician.

He lied about his law school performance, saying he graduated in “the top half of (his) class.” He actually ranked 76th out of 85.

He repeatedly says he was arrested at a civil rights protest, but that’s not true.

This year, one cruel lie caught up with him. For years, Biden insisted he had sixth grandchildren, refusing to acknowledge the seventh, his son Hunter’s daughter, born out of wedlock. Only when even liberal media criticized him, did he finally acknowledge the little girl.

Then there’s the corruption.

I hate political prosecutions, but so much of what Trump does is just sleazy. He paid a porn star hush money and lied about it. He refused to return classified documents and lied about that. He pressured Vice President Mike Pence not to certify electors, then whipped his supporters into a frenzy about it.

But Biden is corrupt, too. Asked about his son’s work in China, Biden firmly responded, “My son has not made money in … China.”

But his son admits making money from China!

Biden claimed he “never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their business, period.”

But his son’s business partner says Hunter put his father on speakerphone when Hunter met with potential business associates.

Maybe Biden’s lies aren’t lies. Maybe he’s just old and confused. But that’s disturbing, too.

Here;  John Stossel: Can’t America do better than old, corrupt Biden or old, corrupt Trump? – Orange County Register (

Maybe Jesus is simply showing his followers that, "everything on earth will grow strangely dim when you turn your eyes upon me."  Even the American dream!  It's all passing away!  Even the greatest nations on earth!  It's all under the control of the Evil One!  Even good ol' America who has done some incredible things during it's short 250 years on the world stage.

There is a better life coming!  Our hope should not lie in the next presidential election!  It should lie ONLY in the promises of Jesus.

When you truly believe that the rapture and then the 1000 year reign of Christ will soon commence and that we will have new bodies freed from sin to rule and reign with Christ on earth for 1000 years, then almost everything that we once loved about this life in America should start to feel a little dull.

As America fills up with voters who are devoid of the Holy Spirit, the restrainer has less and less power to bring up God-fearing leaders to vote for.

I truly hope it's not Trump vs Biden in 2024 but with the rot that is currently in America, it really shouldn't surprise us to have to choose between two rotten candidates.  Our true hope should not rest in either of them.

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