
Saturday, August 5, 2023

Canadian Muslims Invite Folks to March Against LGBTQ

While Christians and Muslims don’t have much in common in regards to their beliefs, maybe they can agree that the LGBTQ agenda is dangerous to our children.  We will have to wait and see if this transpires and how the Canadian government responds.  Of course the Canadian government is about as woke as they come so will be interesting.


 (LifeSiteNews) — Canadian Muslims are planning to hold a “Million Person March” to combat LGBT indoctrination in schools.  

On September 22, 2023, Ottawa businessman and Muslim activist Kamel El-Cheikh hopes to gather Canadians of all faiths to march against LGBT ideology being pushed on children in the nation’s schools. 

“I am optimistic – absolutely,” El-Cheikh told the Post Millennial in a recent interview. “You know, if [there’s] one thing that’s going to inspire Canadians from coast to coast to go down and protest, it’s the kids and their innocence and it’s families.” 

In recent months, El-Cheikh has led Muslim and Christian groups in Ottawa in protests against gender ideology and sex education in the city’s schools. 

According to El-Cheikh, schools are beginning to directly target Muslim children with LGBT ideology. He revealed that one school pamphlet even asked children, “Can I still be Muslim if I am queer?”  

The pamphlet answered that Islam and homosexuality are not in conflict and an active homosexual can be a good Muslim. According to El-Cheik, such a statement is tantamount to “blasphemy.” 

“The kids called [the teacher] out on it and they told [him], ‘Excuse me sir, you’re a liar,'” El-Cheik said. “These are 14- year-old kids and they walked out of class anyway.”

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