
Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Hungary Warns that WWIII is Knocking at the Door

We have no clue what’s really happening in the war between Ukraine and Russia.  We do believe that Putin is not the kind of guy who’s going to retreat, draw home the troops and say, “sorry world! I made a tragic blunder!  Please forgive me!”  Nope!  We believe he would use a nuke if he felt he was on the verge of losing a conventional war.  Why have thousands of Nukes if you aren’t willing to use them to defend the Motherland?  Even if he doesn’t use a nuke there is a very real risk that the rest of the world could be pulled into this conflict.  With all the obese young Americans who don’t know their gender, we wonder what kind of fighting force America could put together if we had to war against Russia and China at the same time?  God only knows.



 During Tucker Carlson's recent visit to Budapest, where he gave a speech apologizing for the "disgusting" behavior of the US Ambassador to Hungary, the former Fox News anchor sat down with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

Orbán - Hungary's longest-serving prime minister - knows a thing or two about Russia (having grown up under their occupation, and been arrested and thrown into jail by Russian-backed police for his efforts to liberate the country) and Ukraine (a nation with which is shares a border), and so Tucker sat down to ask him - what exactly is going on in Ukraine right now (given the propagandic opacity of news in America).

"It is not just a misunderstanding, it is a lie," Orban begins, when asked about the fact that American media continue to claim that 'Ukraine is winning' the war.

He suggests that the Biden administration misunderstands Russia, and attempting to remove Putin could lead to dangerous instability.

"To understand the Russians it's a difficult thing, especially if you have an ocean between you and Russia."

Orbán points out that Western political conversations often center on freedom, while Russian conversations focus on keeping the country together, and warns against the dangerous implications of the U.S. strategy, particularly for countries like Hungary that are geographically closer to the conflict.

"Don't misunderstand the Russians. So they're not going to get sick of Putin and throw him out, come on, it's a joke."

He criticizes Vice President Kamala Harris for suggesting that Ukraine could join NATO, saying it was an unrealistic proposal that escalated tensions. 

Instead, the Hungarian PM urges a new security architecture that respects Ukraine's sovereignty but doesn't include NATO membership.

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