
Thursday, August 10, 2023

King Charles Called on to Prepare “Religious” for UFO’s and Aliens

We have been warning folks about the “alien deception” for over 15 years and it is now happening right before all of our eyes.  I have no doubt that this will shake the “religious” if ET’s show up and explain that Jesus isn’t the only way, he’s not God and he’s a liar.  I would expect them to introduce those left-behind folks to their new gods.  I would expect people to stand in awe of these “ascended masters” as they explain how they are now here to help us.  How they explain that they have been watching our development for thousands of years.  How they really paid attention to us when in the last 100 years we went from farming with horses to nuclear weapons and space travel.  And how they have worked behind the scenes to stop major wars that could have destroyed us.

We don’t believe the “aliens” will show up in full until after the rapture when the Holy Spirit is withdrawn and the restraining power is no longer on earth.  That’s when the forces of evil in the heavenly realms will have full access to the planet and “if Jesus didn’t return to cut those days short NO FLESH would survive.


 King Charles is under pressure to call on the UK government to release more information about UFOs and the possibility of extraterrestrial life in order to help prepare for the country's first contact with aliens. 

The King, like his late father Prince Philip, has an "interest in UFOs," according to Mark Christopher Lee whose new documentary, "God Versus Aliens," examines the impact the discovery of extraterrestrial beings would have on religion, the UK Mirror reported

Lee argued that Charles, as the head of the Church of England, "has a duty to prepare the millions of followers of the Church around the world for the impact of disclosure that we are not the only sentient life in the universe." 

"My new film God Versus Aliens is about this impact and how people can prepare for massive changes to their place in the world," Lee continued. "It would be the biggest paradigm shift of them all. Religion has survived Copernicus & Galileo, Charles Darwin & evolution but would it survive if other sentient life brought their own beliefs/non beliefs and impose them on us."

Nick Pope, the former head of the UK’s UFO program, also proposed the idea that "aliens" could even have their own religious beliefs and gods they worship.

"What if the aliens brought their own crazy gods, something that we would regard as just weird and crazy - would they impose them on us," he said. "These are the questions we might have to face."

A number of high-level government hearings, debates and discussions about the existence of UFOs, also known as unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) have been initiated in recent months. 

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