
Monday, August 14, 2023

Pope Continues Falling Further Into the Religion of Climate Change

 I think we all are in favor of caring for the earth.  When we find an old creamery that is dumping all its spoiled milk into a nearby lake and killing all the fish, we say, "Don't do that!  It's not right that you are ruining our lake with your concerns from profits!"  When we see that DDT chemicals sprayed on farm fields are killing all the eagles we say, "Don't do that!  You are driving a species to extinction while trying to kill weeds!  Find a better way!"

But we cross the line when we start worshipping the CREATED THINGS rather than the CREATOR.

Today we find the Pope sounding an awful lot like he's gone fully into the camp of climate change alarmists.  

The challenge of tackling our planet’s overheating has received its fair share of attention from celebrities, business owners, and activists. But one figure has had some particularly strong words to share. 

In a message to visitors at St. Peter’s Square this summer, Pope Francis said, according to Reuters, “I renew my appeal to world leaders to do something more concrete to limit polluting emissions.” 

He also noted, “[The emissions are] an urgent challenge, it cannot be postponed, it concerns everyone. Let us protect our common home.”

His statement came in the wake of heat waves across the planet, as well as flooding in countries such as South Korea. Soon afterward, scientists determined that July 2023 would be the hottest month in recorded history. The global mean temperature for the month of July has hovered around 61 degrees Fahrenheit in the past. This year, the average mean temperature has soared by 2 degrees.

This isn’t the first time Pope Francis has been critical of dirty energy sources like oil and gas. He has made environmental protection a key component of his tenure as pope, claiming in a 2015 “Laudato Si” (Praised Be) letter that the planet was “beginning to look more and more like an immense pile of filth,” per Reuters. 

“I urgently appeal, then, for a new dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet,” the Pope wrote at the time. “We need a conversation which includes everyone, since the environmental challenge we are undergoing, and its human roots, concern and affect us all.”

Pope Francis has nested his climate-forward perspectives in the idea that individuals should protect “God’s creation” from environmental degradation, pollution, and climate change.

The Pope has been highly critical of world governments’ efforts to achieve this mission. In a message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation prepared in May 2023, the Pope called for an end to “the senseless war against creation.” 

He also drew a direct link between dirty energy and global climate change. 

“According to the commitments undertaken in the Paris Agreement to restrain global warming, it is absurd to permit the continued exploration and expansion of fossil fuel infrastructures,” the Pope shared in his message, Reuters reported.

Here;  Pope Francis warns that humankind is facing an ‘urgent’ crisis that must be dealt with immediately: ‘[This] concerns everyone’ (

Check out this paragraph again;  

The Pope has been highly critical of world governments’ efforts to achieve this mission. In a message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation prepared in May 2023, the Pope called for an end to “the senseless war against creation.” 

You see, the world's governments, on their own, are incapable of coming to any sort of binding agreements.  The Brazilians might keep building huge dams to hold all their mining poisons knowing that those dams will someday break and wash all that crap into the rivers, wells and oceans.  The Chinese might keep building coal plants faster than USA is building Solar Farms.  The Russians might keep making gasoline cars faster than America can build electric cars.  WE NEED A ONE-WORLD-GOVERNMENT TO SOLVE ALL THESE PROBLEMS by forcing these governments to do as they are save the world!

And the Pope, whether this one or the next one, is continuing to set himself up as the False Prophet of Revelation.  Who better than the Pope to gather the "religious" and the irreligious?  He's invited Muslim Imams to pray at the Vatican, he has no problem with folks praying to dead people and he has no problem with a works-based faith that says "People can earn their way into heaven".  

He also has no problem accepting that "aliens" are other "brothers of creation" and that, should they come soon, he would be willing to baptize them.  Into what would he baptize them?  We don't know but if the aliens do come and proclaim another god, we see no reason why the Pope would cry, "Jesus is the ONLY way!  There is no name given under all of heaven by which men can be saved!"  He probably would argue that while men might need need Jesus and works to attain salvation, the aliens aren't covered by Jesus so would be willing to baptize them into any god that they would propose.

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