
Monday, September 11, 2023

Details of Saudi Plan to Divide the Holy Land

We already know that things don’t go well for those who would divide God’s Holy Land. This article is interesting in that it has the Saudis (Sheba and Dedan) involved in a plan that USA is mediating.  Look for earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes and floods for any nation that starts carving up the Holy Land.  Or maybe look for America to have Left and Right become so divided that Washington DC ceases to function because there is no common ground to be found. “You divide my land and I will divide your land.”


As I discussed the other day, the United States is the mediator for these negotiations, and it is being reported that the Biden administration wants to get an agreement finalized “before the end of the first quarter of next year”.

Joe Biden is quite concerned about his legacy, and he knows that there is no guarantee that he will win in 2024.

The Saudis are also quite motivated to get a deal done, because they realize that a deal may not be possible once a Republican enters the White House.

So the clock is ticking, and even though the “major elements of a potential normalization agreement” have been hashed out, we are being told there is still much work to be done…

On June 8th, 2022 an article that was authored by a very close confidant of Mohammed Bin Salman named Ali Shihabi set forth the details of this plan.

According to Shihabi, this new entity “would include present-day Jordan, Gaza, and the West Bank”

This proposed enlarged kingdom would include present-day Jordan, Gaza, and the West Bank (areas populated by Palestinians attached in a contiguous manner and physically connected to Jordan, i.e., not broken up into islands). Israeli arguments as to the need to retain the Jordan Valley become moot since the valley will now be controlled by a Jordanian government with a reliable record of maintaining peace with Israel. The convenient argument that Israel has no “peace partner” will now also be eliminated.

Shihabi seems to think that Israel would agree to this if the Palestinians were to relinquish all claims to the city of Jerusalem

Jerusalem, despite the fact that neither Arabs nor Muslims have a hope of dislodging Israel from it, is, given its symbolism, a key bargaining chip in Palestinian hands. The formal relinquishment of any claims to Jerusalem (with an appropriate arrangement for the holy places) can be an important concession used to secure the foregoing terms. The Palestinians, after all, are the only party who can do this and, hence, completely legitimize Israel in the eyes of the region and the world.

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