
Monday, September 18, 2023

Woman Screams as She's Euthanized

 Kind of a scary story as the world starts looking to kill people that are too expensive or aren't having a good "quality of life".  I totally understand letting people die.  But it certainly is a slippery slope to say, "let's kill this person to save money and pain."

This 36 yr old woman in Belgium was going to be put to sleep.  When the time came her family heard her screaming.  They discovered that the dugs they injected her with maybe didn't work and the nurses took turns smothering her with a pillow.  Now there is a murder investigation.  Go figure.

Christophe Stulens, Wattiez’s partner, was there when she died, along with his 15-year-old daughter, Tracy. A doctor and two nurses came to the home that the three shared to carry out the euthanasia. “After a short night’s sleep, I was woken up by a nurse who told me that Alexina was doing very badly,” Stulens said. “Then the doctor took some syringes and we were asked if we wanted to say goodbye.”

Stulens and his daughter were told to wait outside, so they went onto the terrace, but what they thought would be a peaceful death quickly turned horrific: they heard screaming.

“I recognized her voice,” he said. “Afterwards we saw her lying on the bed with her eyes and mouth open.”

An autopsy was performed, and found that Wattiez died of asphyxiation. Allegedly, the nurses took turns using a pillow to suffocate her. “Alexina wanted to sleep peacefully, but apparently there were too few resources,” Stulens said. The Public Prosecution Service of Liège has now opened a murder investigation, while Stulens is suing.

Here; 'Quickly turned horrific': Family hears woman screaming as she's euthanized! (

As America is faced with millions and millions of 65+ seniors and the money runs out to care for all these people, the push will come to "put these folks to sleep", just like you do for your dog.  The arguments will be, "It's the most humane thing to do.  You do it for your dog that you love, why wouldn't you do it for you mom and not make her suffer?"

And when you think that a patient with dementia can cost $10,000 per month to be in memory care, where is all that money going to come from?  "We need more teachers not more 85 yr olds sucking the money out of society so they can sit in diapers for years waiting and hoping to die."

The debate IS COMING.

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