
Sunday, October 1, 2023

Apocalyptic Flood Hits NYC

 I didn’t write the headline to this video but they did use the word APOCALYPTIC so it caught my attention.  NYC was covered in flood waters and had people swimming to higher ground on the streets of New York!  This continues to be just one more headline in a year that has seen daily headlines of earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, droughts, floods.  These events aren’t unusual in themselves but the frequency is unprecedented and the words NEVER and EVER are being constantly used.

Of course Bible readers would say, “yep!  Just more birth pangs as the return of the Lord nears!”

But the world says, “man’s activity is causing all this!  We need to kill all the cows, get rid of all fossil fuel vehicles and start restricting all human activity at every level!  If we don’t we’re all going to die!”

Watch the video here;

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