
Friday, October 6, 2023

Biden Starts Building a Wall on Mexican Border

 In talking to my liberal friend who always votes Democrat, the reason that Democrats hate the word "wall" is because Donald Trump used that word so much in all his campaign. The word wall actually can trigger them.  He says Democrats are not against border security but that with technology today they should be able to figure out a way to stop illegals without constructing a huge wall.

Of course that's pretty silly.  Walls can work great to slow folks down and give border patrol a chance to catch up.  Israel has a wall.  Saudi Arabia just built a 600 mile wall.  Poland has a wall.  Nancy Pelosi has a wall around her property.  The White House has a big fence.

So today's news that Biden is actually building a wall on the southern border is actually hilarious and it is triggering his Democratic supporters.

No matter how they try to spin it, one thing is clear about the Biden administration's decision to waive more than 20 laws and regulations, including environmental restrictions, to build more sections of a wall along America's southern border in South Texas. The Democrats who demonized President Donald Trump for his focus on stopping illegal immigration and characterized his quest to build such a barrier as "racism" have been mugged by reality.

Trump's opponents smeared every effort to put a lid on the problem of illegal immigration as evidence of prejudice against Latinos. Democrats throughout the country declared municipalities to be "sanctuary cities," championed amnesty and characterized the minimal attempts by Immigration and Customs Enforcement to deal with ever-growing crowds of migrants as oppression and police state tactics.

So, it was little surprise that no sooner had Biden won the 2020 election promising a "more compassionate" approach to illegal immigration, a massive surge at the border began. Since then, Biden halted much of the operations of border enforcement, undermined the work of the embattled border patrol by falsely accusing them of abuses and racism, and ended the building of the wall that Trump failed to complete.

As a result, the number of illegal border crossings—many by individuals pretending to be asylum seekers rather than economic migrants—has surged to record proportions. In the 2022 fiscal year, it was up to 2.7 million with more than 2.8 million in fiscal year 2023. In recent months, the numbers have grown even higher, adding to a humanitarian crisis for overwhelmed border communities.

Here;  Mugged by Reality, Biden Builds a Border Wall Democrats Called 'Racist' | Opinion (

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