
Monday, October 30, 2023

Famous Investor Shares Ideas on “Surviving the Greatest Crash in World History”

This Kiyosaki dude is pretty famous for his show, “rich dad, poor dad”.  He, along with others, is telling us that the biggest financial crash in world history is coming.  We don’t doubt that.  He then goes on to tell us what asset might survive and of course it’s silver and gold.  He refers to it as “God’s money”.  But clearly folks have forgotten that in times of national emergency the US Government has a history of seizing everyone’s gold.  And even more interesting is that the Bible tells us that when the Lord’s wrath comes, silver and gold won’t save us from it.  Thankfully, there isn’t any wrath of God coming for the follower of Christ.

Ezekiel 7   “‘They will throw their silver into the streets,

    and their gold will be treated as a thing unclean.
Their silver and gold
    will not be able to deliver them
    in the day of the Lord’s wrath.
It will not satisfy their hunger
    or fill their stomachs,
    for it has caused them to stumble into sin.

In a time of global economic uncertainty, managing investment portfolios has become a critical topic among investors seeking ways to navigate this period.

In this line, the author of the best-selling personal finance book ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ Robert Kiyosaki, has raised the alarm about what he anticipates as the “greatest crash in world history.” In preparation for this crash, Kiyosaki has urged investors to consider a significant shift in their portfolios to protect their wealth.

Through a post on X (formerly Twitter) on October 29, Kiyosaki criticized traditional investment advice advocating for a 60% allocation to bonds and 40% to stocks, suggesting that such an approach may not withstand the potential crash in 2024.

In this instance, Kiyosaki advised investors to reallocate their portfolios to include gold, silver, and Bitcoin (BTC). He noted that these assets have the potential to withstand the impending crash.

According to the author, both gold and silver are considered “GOD’s money,” and in the event of a stock and bond market crash, their values are likely to skyrocket.

At the same time, the financial educator maintains that at their current valuations, the value of gold, silver, and Bitcoin are a bargain, and he encourages investors to allocate funds to these assets.

Overall, Kiyosaki has consistently advocated for investments in precious metals and Bitcoin while expressing skepticism about the sustainability of traditional financial products, which he maintains are destined for a crash. 

As reported by Finbold, Kiyosaki has previously highlighted several concerning factors currently impacting the economy. He believes that hyperinflation, the potential introduction of a central bank digital currency (CBDC), and possible inaccuracies by the United States government are key factors to watch out for.

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