
Monday, October 23, 2023

Is a New World War About to Begin?

 We don’t know if the WEF and the globalists are sparking wars but we agree they are cheering them on.  If enough big nations get involved in blowing each other up then the Great Reset will be all the easier to pull off.  If you haven’t educated yourself on who the World Economic Forum is you should take a little time and see what this satanic cult is trying to pull off.  Do a search for what world leaders graduated from WEF.  Remember what 1 John says, “the whole world is under the control of the evil one.”


Note from LifeSiteNews co-founder Steve Jalsevac: This is a critical analysis tying together the two current, ongoing wars to the ambitions of the Great Reset globalist elites. LifeSiteNews has sensed this from the very beginning of the Ukraine war and also the current Middle East conflict. More of the public is awakening to this understanding because of growing awareness of the stated plans of the dangerous religious cult of the World Economic Forum. They have seen and heard the U.S. deep state’s and Biden’s and other Western leaders’ publicly stated commitment to the WEF Great Reset plan to destroy and then “build back better” the world. None of this was in their election platforms and yet it governs everything they are now doing.

The Great Reset is also committed to the U.N.’s Agenda 2030 which involves alarming depopulation and sexual revolution-related policies and the suppression of traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs and culture as well as world governance by corporate elites or what the WEF calls “stakeholders”.

You will not see anything like this article and many others that we publish related to the conflicts in any of the mainstream media. To them, these are all “conspiracy theories” even though the evidence for them is very strong. The media are controlled by the globalists.


  • The globalist cabal behind The Great Reset plan desperately wants war – the bigger the better – as this will facilitate the transition into their “new world order.”
  • War destroys supply chains, the energy sector, food supply and the workforce, which creates dependency on government, which in turn will be taken over by private interests and central banks through the collapse of the global economy.
  • Putting an end to the Ukraine war could go a long way toward thwarting that plan, but instead, American leaders are adding fuel to yet another war.
  • October 7, 2023, Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israeli civilians. American war hawks are calling for retaliatory strikes not only against Palestinian civilians in Gaza but also Iran, suspected of funding Hamas forces.
  • October 8, 2023, a top Hezbollah official, Hashem Safi al-Din, warned that Lebanon will join the Palestinian resistance unless the U.S. and Israel cease to “violate” Muslim holy sites. Evidence suggests Hezbollah has been using Mexican cartels to smuggle terrorists into the U.S. for well over a decade, raising the possibility of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil, should we enter the war in the Middle East.

(Mercola) — As detailed in “Phase 2 of The Great Reset: War,” published a year-and-a-half ago, in March 2022, the globalist cabal behind The Great Reset plan desperately wants war – the bigger the better – as this will facilitate the transition into their “new world order.”

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