
Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Pentagon Officials Believe “Aliens” are Actually Demonic

 I’ll let you read the entire article below but this blurb is actually encouraging!  We’ve been saying it for 15 years and now I’m seeing the same info starting to surface other places.  I’m 100% convinced the world is being prepped for a massive delusion.  If my eschatology is correct it will happen after the rapture...which means we shouldn’t be surprised if that event is close.


In fact, a British news source just published a story about “a very large contingent of people” at the Pentagon that believe that these creatures are actually demons

Pentagon commanders have clamped down on research into extraterrestrials because of their religious beliefs, it’s claimed.

Leading UFO researcher Ron James says senior figures in the US government fear aliens are in fact demons. Ron, who is Director of Media Relations for UFO research group MUFON, claims there is “a very large contingent of people” within the Pentagon who opposed the work of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program [AATIP] because they think the UAPs regularly reported by US military sources are piloted by creatures from Hell. 

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