
Thursday, October 12, 2023

Syria Says Israeli Missiles Hit Damascus

Remember to watch for Isaiah 17- the destruction of Damascus.  Iran supplies terrorists in Gaza, Hamas.  They also supply terrorists in Lebanon, Hezbollah.  And they also use Syria as a place to store and maybe create chemical weapons which they hope to one day use against the Jews.  Iran IS the major player and offspring of Haman from the book of Esther.  They (Persians)have 2500 years of history with dreams of destroying Jews.  When we see the words ISRAEL and DAMASCUS in the same article we usually post it  because it’s such a crystal clear prophecy that Damascus will be totally destroyed and uninhabitable and the Jews will be responsible for making it that way while defending themselves.  Some years ago I saw an article about some Syrian scientists who were killed making chemical weapons.  The paper interviewed an Israeli General of the Northern Command and he said, “If we even see so much as a dead dog killed by chemical weapons, Damascus will be gone!”


DAMASCUS, Oct 12 (Reuters) - Syria said Israeli forces launched simultaneous missile attacks on the airports in its capital Damascus and the northern city of Aleppo on Thursday, damaging the runways and putting both hubs out of service.

A Syrian military source cited by state news agency SANA said "bursts of missiles" hit the two airports at the same time, in what he said was a bid to distract the world's attention from Israel's war with Hamas militants in Gaza.

The Israeli military said it does not comment on such reports.

Israel has for years carried out strikes against what it has described as Iran-linked targets in Syria, including against the Aleppo and Damascus airports.

Sources have said strikes on the airports are intended to disrupt Iranian supply lines to Syria, where Tehran's influence has grown since it began supporting President Bashar al-Assad in the civil war that started in 2011.

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