
Thursday, October 5, 2023

US Debt Spiral is Reaching Terminal Phase

 We have blogged on this topic so many times in the past 15 years.  We don't know why the USA hasn't collapsed under a pile of debt already except that the Lord has been maintaining the "faith and confidence" in the US Dollar.  Why?   Because the rapture is near and that event will certainly collapse it.  That is our BLESSED HOPE anyway.

So think of person who spends more money than they earn.  They can go buy a boat, a car, a vacation, new furniture, fun vacations and they can party like rock starts right now!!  But in the next months the debt payments will begin.  Soon they don't have enough money to make their payments so they take a cash advance on their credit card to make the boat payment.  And next they take out another credit card to take a cash advance to pay the minimum payment on the first credit card.  But the damage has been done.  The terminal phase of their debt spiral has begun.

That's where America is now.  I hate to say it, but the ship has hit the ice berg and it's GOING TO SINK.  We just don't know exactly when and how many casualties will be result.

The Bible tells us that the world will be on some type of digital currency during the Great Tribulation and we are well on that way.

If you are going to go out, you might as well do it with a bang.  At the beginning of June, our national debt was sitting at $31,467,639,287,894.39.  Today, it has risen to $33,442,148,619,617.43.  That means that we have added almost two trillion dollars to the national debt in just three months.  

It is the largest single debt in the entire history of our planet, and it will never be paid off.  Our debt spiral has reached a terminal phase, and all we can do now is prolong the agony.  

If we keep taking on more debt at an exponential rate, we may be able to extend our seemingly endless party for a little while longer.  As for the bright future that our children and grandchildren were supposed to have, we destroyed that a long time ago, and so it doesn't really matter what we do now.

What our politicians are doing to us is truly a crime against humanity.

And I am not just talking about the United States.  All over the world, politicians have been on the greatest debt binge in the history of the human race, and for quite a few years it seemed like they were getting away with it.

But now interest rates are rising and there is great turmoil in the bond markets.  The following comes from CNN...

A slump in government bonds around the world has pushed up the cost of some nations' debt to levels not seen in more than a decade. That's bad news for governments in the red but also for the wallets of millions of mortgage borrowers, stock investors and businesses.

The sell-off has been fueled by expectations among investors that the world's major central banks will keep interest rates "higher for longer" to bring inflation down to their targets.

It works like this: Governments looking to raise cash for public services and investments issue bonds. A bond provides a way to borrow money from investors for a set length of time, with the obligation to make regular interest payments.

In recent weeks, bond yields have reached very alarming levels.

If this continues, governments all over the world will soon be facing enormous problems...

When official interest rates rise, so do investors' expectations for returns on bonds, known as yields. This creates an incentive for investors to sell the bonds they currently hold and buy newly issued ones that offer higher interest payments. Selling bonds reduces prices. So, in short, when yields rise, bond prices fall.

And yields have most definitely been rising: The yield on 30-year US government bonds, also known as Treasuries, hit 5% on Tuesday for the first time since 2007. In the United Kingdom, the yield on 30-year bonds also reached 5% this week, the highest level in more than two decades.

Yields on German long-dated bonds are back to levels last seen on the eve of the eurozone debt crisis in 2011. Yields on Italy's 10-year bonds hit 5% on Wednesday, the highest level since 2012, when that crisis was in full swing.

There is no way out of this mess now.

If we would have acted responsibly all along, we would have gotten a much different outcome.

But at this point our fate is pretty much sealed.

Here;  US Debt Spiral Is Reaching Terminal Phase - Economic Reset Is The Only Way Out (

Back in 1995 we had $5 trillion of national debt which was 65% of GDP.

Today it is $34 trillion and over 133% of GDP.  History would show that nations simply don't survive when their debt to GDP surpasses 130%.

Our hope is in Jesus.  It simply can't be in Trump, Biden, Congress and the American voter.

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