
Monday, November 6, 2023

How Can So Many College Students Be That Stupid?

How could it be that colleges can be filled with so many ignorant students?  For the same reason the country is filled with so many ignorant voters...they lack any FEAR OF THE LORD.  Because of this they have no knowledge and have no wisdom.  And ultimately God gives them over to foolishness, futile thinking and reprobate minds.  To see college students in America chanting FOR the destruction of Israel shows how deeply the Left has has infiltrated our education system.  To be so stupid that you think Hamas would welcome your LGBTQ agenda has inspired some well deserved ridicule.  “Chickens for KFC!” Or “Blacks for KKK!”


The chants ring ominously from college students on the East Coast: “There is no place to hide; Israel is committing genocide.”

College students on the West Coast shout in unison: “There is no place to hide; we want Jewish genocide.”

These and variations of anti-Semitic chanting, obviously orchestrated and coordinated, are increasing throughout colleges and universities across the United States. The attacks unleashed against Israel on October 7 have seemingly unleashed hatred reminiscent of 1939 Nazi Germany.

Students in the East Coast incident above were attacking a college library where Jewish students were hiding in fear, while violent banging on locked doors was accompanied by the above choruses and the further demand: “Let us in! Let us in!”

One young Jewish woman stated that she was told by those at her university—by a professor, I take it—that she should take off all of her jewelry with Jewish symbolism. Anything—like the Star of David—that would mark her as a Jew shouldn’t be worn so the pro-Palestinian protesters wouldn’t be triggered.

Another young woman said she was told by a college official that she should perhaps go into the attic while the pro-Palestinian mob was ranting, trying to get into the library. The girl asked why she, in the United States of America, should have to hide in an attic rather than be totally safe in a room with windows and the freedom to move about unafraid.

The library in question is now disdainfully being called the Anne Frank Library—referring, of course, to the young girl who hid from the Nazis during the persecution of the Jews in Germany during Hitler’s regime.

We who have studied Bible prophecy over many years have understood that Israel is destined to be at the center of the wrap-up of human history while Christ’s Second Advent approaches. As a matter of fact, a good number of us—despite the objections of many in seminaries who see no relationship of Israel to the fig tree parable—have concluded that Jesus’ Olivet Discourse prophecy concerning the fig tree is significant in framing the general time when we will recognize the nearness of His Second Coming.

“Now learn the parable from the fig tree: when its branch has already become tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near; so, you too, when you see all these things, recognize that He is near, right at the door. Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place” (Matthew 24:32-35).

The fig tree in Jesus’ parables is considered by many to represent the nation Israel. I believe this is especially true in the case of the Matthew 24 Olivet Discourse reference. And, like the Lord said, we should recognize how near He is to returning; He is right at the door when we see these things come to pass.

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