
Saturday, November 18, 2023

More Interesting Conversation About the Nephilim

 We know the Nephilim are a real thing because the Bible tells us so.  When fallen angels went to daughters of men and had children by them.  Genesis 6.  We don’t know if the women were raped or if they were seduced by these angels.  We know they were here before the flood of Noah but also afterward. The Bible mentions that Noah was “pure in his generation” which can be understood that his DNA hadn’t been corrupted by fallen angels.  We know that Jesus descended from Noah so we can see from very early on in the story there was a “seed war” between God and Satan.  God told Satan that the seed of the woman would be at enmity with the seed of Satan, but that one day the offspring of a woman, a human man, would destroy Satan by crushing his head.  So Satan went about with his best idea of corrupting human DNA in hopes there would be no “pure” human beings left on earth to birth the head-crusher.

But how did they survive the flood?  The Bible doesn’t say so.  Some suggest that Ham’s wife had Nephilim DNA in her which is why Noah cursed Ham’s son, Canaan, who went on to become the cursed, evil tribe called the Canaanites.

Also, if you’ve ever wondered where demons come from, some preachers will suggest they are simply fallen angels.  But some would suggest they are the evil spirits of the dead Nephilim left to roam the world and torment men.

You can watch this well done video on the Nephilim if your curiosity is peaked.  I doubt we will ever know the truth of it all until Jesus returns.

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