
Monday, November 27, 2023

One World Order, One World Taxation, One World Currency

 The whole world is under the control of the Evil One.  He doesn’t need elected officials to carry out his plan.  He doesn’t need Communism or dictators to carry out his plan.  He will get his pawns into the financial system and as we all know, “he who controls the money controls the people.”   We are very, very close to this day when the next financial crisis will hit.  And unless God decides to keep the trap from snapping to allow the fullness of the gentiles to come in, this could lead to the final financial system controlled by the Beast and written about in Revelation.


Not only will the coming crisis destroy more investor wealth than in 2008 and last much longer than the Great Depression, Burke explained, but this crisis will be historic for another reason.   A network of elites will use the next crisis for cover and they will launch their attack.  The financial system will go dark, worldwide.  Trillions of dollars will vanish instantly and, in many cases, permanently.  Hundreds of millions of people will be cut off from their own money for months, or even years.  It will be the biggest confiscation of wealth in history.

Over dinner one night, a senior advisor to BlackRock’s CEO told Rickards: “They want to tell us we can’t sell.”  This slipped comment raised Rickards’ curiosity: “What was she talking about?  Who was she talking about?”  So, he made some calls to his contacts in Washington and on Wall Street.  Shortly afterwards he attended a series of meetings in London, Geneva, New York and South America.  And he began joining the dots. “A pattern emerged,” Rickards said.

“It revealed a network of more than 189 individuals positioned inside the world’s major financial institutions.  Some of them hold senior positions inside the IMF, World Bank and every central bank in the G20 including our own Federal Reserve.”

Later in the interview, Rickards said that these 189 people also control much of what happens at the central banks of China, Russia, India, Brazil, Canada and Europe.  “These institutions form a kind of global superstructure. It forms a kind of snare net encircling all nations,” Rickards said.  “Their leaders aren’t democratically elected, they’re not accountable to you and me, they’re beyond the reach of government [and] citizens and yet, they hold the fate of the global financial system in their hands,” he added.

The global superstructure includes organisations such as the Federal Reserve, the Bilderbergers, central banks, intelligence agencies and the media.  “The elite inhabit all these spheres,” he said.

“These elites share one vision and they’re about to make it a reality. That vision is One World Order, One World Taxation and One World Money … All of their actions are geared toward moving that agenda forward.

“They’ve worked for years behind the scenes preparing to realise that vision. They’ve literally rigged the laws of international finance; everything is basically in place right now and there’s essentially no way to stop this from happening. When the crisis hits, they’ll flip the switch freezing the global financial system.  That will give them time to reset the world economy according to their vision.”

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