
Thursday, November 30, 2023

The Richest Country in the World is Now Bankrupt

Not a surprise here as Kiyosaki has been warning of financial mayhem for quite some time.  But the headline scrolling on Yahoo News for millions to see is what makes this blog-worthy today.  He thinks that gold, silver and real estate are going to save people from the coming wipeout.  This is funny because, as we’ve already pointed out numerous times, the US Govt seized everyone’s gold once in 1933 and they’ll do it again.  Also it’s interesting because the Bible says that “your gold won’t save you” from what’s coming.  And we believe what’s coming is the “time of Jacob’s Trouble”.


 In a recent episode of "The Rich Dad Radio Show," financial educator and author Robert Kiyosaki expressed grave concerns about the United States’ financial health.

"America is now bankrupt," he said. "And the question I want to answer today is how [come] America, at one time reportedly the richest country in the world, is now bankrupt?"

While the U.S. hasn’t legally declared bankruptcy, Kiyosaki's point underscores the nation’s worsening debt crisis.

As of Nov. 24, the U.S. national debt had reached $33.8 trillion. Guest speaker Jim Clark, CEO of Republic Monetary Exchange, highlighted that actual liabilities, including entitlements, could be as high as $200 trillion.

Fiscal 2023 saw interest payments on this debt rise to $659 billion, marking a 39% increase from the previous year and nearly double the amount in fiscal 2020.

So, how is the famed author protecting his wealth? He's a strong believer in physical assets. Here are two of his favorit

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