
Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Rabbi Tells Jews Their Redemption is Near

The unity within Israel has surged since Hamas attacked on October 7.  This Rabbi says it’s because the redemption of Israel is getting close. Remember THEY are looking for the false messiah because they have rejected Jesus, the one and only real Messiah.  The fact that the Jews are excited about building a temple and welcoming the false messiah should help us followers of Christ understand that OUR redemption is near.  “Look up!  Your redemption is drawing near.”


Rabbi Grossman emphasized that it is more important to show God that we love each other than to show Him that we love Him.

“I always say there is no right-wing, no left-wing, no religious, no secular, no Sephardi or Ashkenazi,” Rabbi Grossman said. “We are all one man, one heart. This is our secret. Bless us, our Father, all of us together, as we are united spirits.”

The rabbi urged people to volunteer to help their neighbors.

“We need  to come together in this time of distress, so that not only during the war, not only during this time of grief can we unite, but so that we can be united for all time,” Rabbi Grossman said.”

“The nation of Israel is strong and we’re getting closer to redemption,” he said. “We will now have a difficult six months but then we will be approaching the month of Nissan, the month of Passover and redemption. This year, there will be a great redemption. What we are going through now is all the preparation for redemption. Our unity  is to bless our Father as one and  as one undivided nation.”

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