
Sunday, December 10, 2023

America is Getting Very Close to Uncivilization


As the Great Tribulation draws near, we can start to understand the long-asked question, “Where did America go?  Why aren’t we mentioned anywhere in prophecy?”  I believe the answer is, “They turned their back on WHO gave them these blessings of civilization.  They forgot the God-fearing legacy handed down to them by their grandparents.  In the end they couldn’t even understand what the definition of a “woman” is.  They made it illegal for 12 year olds to get tattoos but legal for them to cut off their genitals and they were so drug addicted that they couldn’t even balance the nation’s checkbook.  Their minds had been given over to reprobate thinking.”

You can see it all around us.  The Left is convinced that the Right is evil and if Trump is elected it will be the end of America.  The Right is convinced that if Biden is re-elected America will not survive 4 more years of dementia.  One can understand how nations fall into Civil Wars.

Come Lord Jesus!  Thy kingdom come, they will be done.


Unlike so many people around the world, those of us that live in the United States were fortunate enough to grow up in a relatively civilized society. 

Unfortunately, we have turned our backs on the values that our forefathers handed down to us, and so now we are starting to find out what is beneath the thin veneer of civilization that we have all been taking for granted all these years. 

I honestly do not understand why people still want to live in these big cities.

According to one recent survey, 40 percent of Americans are now “afraid to walk alone at night near their home”.

Millions of Americans live in a constant state of fear because our nation is absolutely teeming with predators and drug addicts.

During his recent debate with Gavin Newsom, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis pulled out the infamous “poop map” that shows reports of human feces on the streets of San Francisco…

During Thursday night’s debate between Gavin Newsom (D) and Ron DeSantis (R), the Florida governor busted out the San Francisco ‘poop map’ created by OpenTheBooks.

The map, created in 2019, plotted nearly 120,000 case reports of human feces on the streets of San Francisco between 2011 and 2019 using the city’s open records portal and 311 call information posted by city officials.

Well, now that map has been updated, and despite everything officials have tried reports of human feces in the streets have been coming in faster than ever

It’s been updated…

According to Adam Andrzejwski of OpenTheBooks, here it is in all it’s brown glory – only now it’s got an additional 125,506 cases in just three years – more than double the amount reported in the initial eight-year period.

This is our country now.

We live in a country where hordes of mindless drug addicts pull down their pants and defecate in the streets whenever they feel like it.

And thanks to the open border policies of our leaders in Washington, more drug dealers and more drug addicts are pouring across our borders with each passing day.

It is being reported that the foreign-born population in the U.S. has now reached a whopping 49.5 million people

The nation’s foreign-born population has hit an unprecedented 49.5 million, the largest ever recorded in American history, under President Joe Biden.

Analysis by Steven Camarota and Karen Zeigler at the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) revealed that in October the foreign-born population reached almost 50 million, increasing by 4.5 million foreign-born residents since Biden took office in January 2021.

How do you think the drug cartels in Mexico make so much money?

They make millions upon millions of dollars by selling drugs to us.

And our leaders refuse to secure our borders year after year.

It is infuriating.

We are literally committing national suicide, and the stage is set for an epic eruption of societal unrest in our major cities which will be so bad that it shock the entire planet.

Decades of incredibly bad decisions have brought us to this point, but even at this late hour our leaders continue to make some of the stupidest decisions imaginable.

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