
Monday, December 11, 2023

As Wealth Increases, Moral Fabric of Society Collapses

My Bible reading today is from Hosea.  Hosea was a prophet that focused on warning Northern Israel that Gods was going to throw them down in judgment if they didn’t repent.  God told him to marry a prostitute as a visual example that God considered Israel (the 10 tribes that made up the northern kingdom) as adulterous wife.  

As I was reading the commentary about Prophet Hosea, a sentence in the paragraph below stuck out. “But as Israel’s fortune soared, the moral fabric of its society collapsed”.

Now think of America.  Since we won WWII our financial fortune has soared.  And today we are seeing the vast majority of Americans who know nothing of the Word of God, have no problem with fornication and adultery, have no problem consuming mind-altering drugs, have no plans on following the 10 commandments, have zero FEAR OF THE LORD and today we see roving gangs of looters running into any store they want to steal as much as they can grab.  We are so close to societal collapse!!  Truly, there is “nothing new under the sun”.  Mankind has done it all before and we just keep repeating our sin and eventually “reap the whirlwind.”


 During the long reign of King Jeroboam II, Israel’s victory in several military campaigns led the nation into a period of unprecedented prosperity and independence. But as Israel’s fortune soared, the moral fabric of its society collapsed. Corruption and spiritual depravity ran rampant. Israel began to worship pagan deities and attribute the works of God to Baal (Hosea 4:1–13). The people broke their covenant with God and no longer obeyed His laws (Hosea 6:78:1). They stopped trusting in God and sought foreign alliances (Hosea 5:13). In the eyes of the Lord, Israel’s idol worship and unfaithfulness were equivalent to spiritual adultery.

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