
Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Israel Grows More Isolated

 The Bible says that in the very last days Israel will be standing all alone.  No other nation will be preparing to help her or come to their aid with military help.  Russia, Iran and Turkey will be preparing for the final blow and already counting up the wealth they will collect once they destroy the Jewish nation.  America doesn’t seem to be around at all to protest.  God will destroy the armies himself and protect Israel so that everyone knows that “I am the God of Israel”. (Ezekiel 39)  When will this happen?  We think it might happen after the rapture but before the Antichrist is revealed.  Of course we can’t be dogmatic about the timing but we can see with our own eyes that a coalition of Russia, Iran and Turkey is growing more and more intolerant of the Jewish state.  All of prophecy will be fulfilled!

So what about all the people of Gaza, women and children being indiscriminately bombed and their homes turned to rubble?  Can we support that?  Can we support ANY war anywhere?  God gives power to nations to punish evil men.  We know for a fact that America killed tens of thousands of German women and children in WWII.  We know for a fact that American bombs killed 100,000+ civilians when we dropped Nukes on Japan.  Should we have just stopped WWII and said “we don’t like war so we aren’t gonna fight anymore!”  Would our college students of 1940’s gathered with Nazi flags and marched around campus saying “from the river to the sea, Germany needs to be free!”

The Arabs of Gaza are a Muslim train wreck.  Sadly their society “sewed the wind and reaped the whirlwind.”  There will be no peace on earth until Christ returns.  But before that death and misery and disease will be the norm.


In the north, heavy fighting has also taken place in the Jabaliya district, where Gaza health officials say Israeli forces have besieged and stormed a hospital and detained and abused medical staff.

In the south, Israeli forces storming Khan Younis advanced in recent days to city centre. Residents said there was heavy fighting there but no further attempts to advance in the last 24 hours.

“The Israeli tanks have not moved further from the centre of the city. They are facing fierce resistance and we hear the exchanges of fire, explosions too,” Abu Abdallah, a father of five who lives 2 km away, told Reuters.

The Israelis had brought bulldozers and were destroying the road near the Khan Younis home of the Hamas leader in Gaza, Yahya Al-Sinwar, Abu Abdallah said.

Hospitals in the north have largely ceased functioning altogether. In the south, they have been overrun by dead and wounded, carried in by the dozen throughout the day and night.

"Doctors including myself are stepping over the bodies of children to treat children who will die," Dr Chris Hook, a British physician deployed with medical charity MSF at Nasser hospital in Khan Younis, told Reuters.

International agencies say the limited aid reaching Gaza is being distributed only in parts of Rafah near the Egyptian border. Even there, the situation has become far more extreme this week.

Gemma Connell, based in Rafah as Gaza team leader for the U.N. humanitarian office OCHA, told Reuters in a message: "Heavy rains and winds overnight. So awful for all of these people in makeshift shelters."

Israel says it has been encouraging increased aid to Gaza through Egypt's border, and is announcing daily four-hour pauses in operations near Rafah to help civilians reach it. The U.N. says cumbersome inspections and insecurity have slowed aid to a trickle.


The U.N. General Assembly vote demanding a ceasefire has no legal force but was the strongest sign yet of eroding international support for Israel's actions. Three-quarters of the 193 member states voted in favour and only eight countries joined the United States and Israel in voting against.

Before the vote, Biden said Israel still has support from "most of the world" for its fight against Hamas.

"But they're starting to lose that support by indiscriminate bombing that takes place," he told a campaign donor event.

In the most public sign of division between the U.S. and Israeli leaders so far, Biden said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu needed to change his hardline government, and that ultimately Israel "can't say no" to an independent Palestinian state, opposed by far-right members of the Israeli cabinet.

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