
Friday, December 1, 2023

Palestinians Overwhelmingly Support Hamas and Muslim Terror

The Left keeps trumpeting the phrase “innocent Palestinians”, about the same time they chant “from the river to the sea!”, which is nothing more than a death wish for all of Israel and Jews.  But the polls continue to show that the so-called Palestinians aren’t innocent at all!  Not only did they give birth and raise 40,000 Hamas terrorists but to this day they continue to support the rape, murder and kidnapping of Israelis.

Bible readers know than when God started giving the Promised Land to the Jews during the last days of Moses, He told them to go into the land and kill everybody.  Don’t let any men, women, children or even animals get past the sword.  Why?  Because they were so wicked and evil that the land needed to be purged of any trace of their demonic wickedness.  

The Arabs of Palestine have been offered their own state 5 times in past 75 years and they always reject it since it acknowledges a Jewish state next door.  Think about what the Bible says about the descendants of Ishmael and then think about the miserable Muslim nations that constantly hate each other and hate the People of Promise, which are the descendants of Isaac and Jacob.

He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers.”

 Contrary to claims from some on the left in the debate surrounding the Israel-Hamas conflict, support for the Islamic terrorist group remains high in both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, even weeks after the brutal massacre on October 7. The atrocities of that day, including rape, kidnapping, and torture of infants, also garner significant support among Muslims.

From October 31 to November 7, the Arab World for Research and Development (AWRAD) examined Palestinians’ attitudes toward various Islamic terrorist groups, countries, media, and organizations.

Ninety-eight percent stated that they will never forget or forgive the Israeli attacks in response to the Hamas massacre. A slightly lower percentage, 90 percent, indicated that coexistence is increasingly impossible.

An overwhelming 75 percent support the massacre of innocent Israelis and Jews on October 7, with only 13 percent opposed.

Additionally, 98% of respondents reported feeling prouder of their Palestinian identity since Hamas attacked Israel. Eighty percent said that their resolve to achieve a Palestinian state has increased.

Concerning trust and support for terrorist groups, countries, and media, Hamas ranks among the highest, while the USA, Israel, and the West are at the bottom.

Amidst the recent conflict, news consumption trends among Palestinians revealed distinct preferences. Notably, Islamic-controlled media outlets took precedence, with Al Jazeera emerging as the top choice for news. A significant 62% of adults, and an even more staggering 92% among those favoring regional or Arab stations, preferred Al Jazeera. Al Mayadeen secured the second spot, followed by Al Arabiya.

Telegram is the primary source for war-related news on social media, cited by 48% of users. Facebook followed at 31%, with Instagram and WhatsApp contributing 10% and 9%, respectively—notably, TikTok or Twitter (X) as the primary news source was reported by less than 1%.

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