
Thursday, December 28, 2023

Turkish President Compares Netanyahu to Hitler

Erdogan says Netanyahu is like Hitler.  Meanwhile he entertains the leaders of Hamas at his palace.  I think we can see where this is going.  No wonder Turkey never really fit in at NATO and no wonder they were never let into the EU...because they are a Muslim state that desires a global caliphate and once conflict arises they show their true colors.  Ezekiel 38 draws closer.


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan once again attacked Israel regarding the war in Gaza.

During his speech on Wednesday, he compared Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Adolf Hitler. "What is the difference between you (Netanyahu) and Hitler? How do the actions of the Netanyahu government differ from the actions of Hitler?"

Netanyahu responded to the Turkish president, saying: "Erdoğan, who is committing genocide against the Kurds and who holds the world record for imprisoning journalists who oppose his regime, is the last person who can preach morality to us." 

The prime minister added that "the IDF, which is the most moral army in the world, is fighting to eliminate the most abhorrent and brutal terrorist organization in the world, Hamas-ISIS, which has committed crimes against humanity, and which Erdoğan has praised and whose leaders he hosts."

Erdoğan spoke harshly against Israel last month during a meeting of his party's faction in the Turkish parliament in Ankara. 

"Israel is a terrorist state. It operates state terrorism. You identify Hamas as a terrorist organization, but Hamas is a political party that won the elections - and then was robbed of its rights," he said.

Later in his speech, Erdoğan claimed: "Genocide is taking place in Gaza, and Turkey will take steps in the international arena nationally to stop this genocide. I call on Netanyahu to declare whether Israel has nuclear weapons or not. In any case - he is lost and at the end of his journey."

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