
Monday, December 25, 2023

US Military Misses Recruiting Goals

 At a time when the USA might need lots of people serving in the military, most of our youth are too fat, too drugged up, to anxious, too gender confused or maybe too appalled at the idea of carrying a weapon.  China may be very close to success in collapsing America without firing a shot.  


The U.S. military missed its recruiting goals in 2023 by 41,000 and faces a recruiting crisis heading into the new year, according to a Pentagon official. 

Ashish Vazirani, the Pentagon’s acting undersecretary for personnel and readiness, told the House Armed Services Committee last week that 77% of today’s youth would not qualify for military service without some form of a waiver and 11% would not qualify because they are overweight. 

"Young people today are not rejecting military service; the challenge is that they are not even thinking about it," Vazirani said, according to a transcript of his opening statement. "They are not looking at what we have to offer and telling us ‘no.’ They simply don’t K-N-O-W much about military service, and what they do know is probably not accurate or complete."

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