
Thursday, December 21, 2023

USA Plans Military Attack on Houthis

 It's hard to understand how the Leftists can't see that Islam is not a friend to the West.  And certainly it's not a religion of peace as so many claim.  Iran funds all types of terrorism in Gaza with Hamas, in Lebanon with Hezbollah and in Yemen with the Houthis.

They all seek the destruction of Israel.

The Houthis in Yemen are reportedly upset that their arch enemy, Israel, is killing all the Hamas terrorists in Gaza and they have taken to the high seas and are attacking ships carrying cargo as a show of force to "support their brothers in Gaza."

Today we read that USA and it's allies are getting ready to push back by attacking Houthi bases.

The United States and its allies are considering a military attack on the Houthi rebels in Yemen. This was reported on Wednesday night by the Bloomberg News outlet from sources involved in the preparations.

According to the report, U.S. allies are already preparing plans to attack Houthi bases to stop the Houthis' ability to harm merchant ships in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

Sources in the Pentagon defined the emerging plan as a "heavy response" to the Houthi attacks. However, it was emphasized that the U.S. still prefers to give diplomatic action a chance and has not yet approved the military action.

The discussions about military action emphasized the urgency that the U.S. and its allies see in resolving the threat to free navigation posed by the Houthis, as well as the recognition that the international defense task force announced by U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin last night may not be enough to stop the Houthis.

According to Bloomberg, a military attack on bases in Yemen could lead to the Gaza war spreading to other arenas, and could possibly ignite a war with Iran. Saudi Arabia is at the forefront of the opposition to such an action for fear of Houthi retaliation against them.

Here;  Report: US and its allies are considering a military attack on Houthis after rebels take over a cargo ship | All Israel News

Wars and rumors of war continue unabated.  A war with Iran is certainly in the making.  Maybe it's going to happen before the rapture or maybe this is just one more push towards Ezekiel 38 that we hope is going to happen AFTER the rapture.

Either way, keep looking up!

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