
Tuesday, December 26, 2023

World's Most Dangerous Combination: China and Russia

 We know that Russia plays a major role in Ezekiel 38.  We also know that China has been planning the implosion of America for quite some time.  Their plans include flooding the USA with fentanyl and turning our kids into mindless idiots by flooding them with Tik Tok videos.  They also are trying to figure out how to unseat the US Dollar from its status of Reserve Currency.

Do we know that Russia and China are sharing some plans for world domination and take over of the West?  It really shouldn't surprise us.  We know that they are not best friends but they do share a desire to see America fall.

China and Russia are more than just working together. They are forming the core of a new axis. Around this core are proxies and proxies of proxies, such as Iran, North Korea, Algeria, and a host of terrorist groups.

The Chinese and Russian leaders are forming this grouping because they believe the United States, the final guarantor of the international system that frustrates them both, must be taken down. Xi, by, among other things, declaring a "people's war" on America, has made it clear that the U.S. must be destroyed and Americans exterminated. Putin is less ambitious, only wanting the U.S. out of his way as he recreates the Russian Empire at its greatest extent.

"Washington has little leverage over Russia. There are no carrots to offer to Putin, and the sticks haven't worked." — Rebekah Koffler, author of Putin's Playbook and former Defense Intelligence Agency analyst, to Gatestone, December 2023.

In other words, China and Russia are preparing to go to war together. As no country threatens either of them, they are undoubtedly thinking of perpetrating more acts of aggression.

 Republican presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy knows how to end the greatest threat to American national security. That threat would be the combination of the world's two most dangerous states: China and Russia.

"I would freeze the current lines of control," the candidate told Fox News's Jesse Watters during his prime time show, referring to the battlefields in Ukraine. "I would further make a hard commitment that NATO will not admit Ukraine to NATO. That's enough to get Putin to do the deal."

"But I would require something even greater in return, Jesse," Ramaswamy said. "Russia has to exit its military alliance with China."

Putin will take the deal, the charismatic candidate assured Watters: "He's gonna say, 'Ok' because I'm going to say, 'We'll reopen our economic relations with Russia and further, we'll end the Ukraine war and also make sure NATO never admits Ukraine.' "

The interview occurred in late August, but these themes are often heard, in America and elsewhere. Is Ramaswamy on the right track?

In theory, it should be possible to separate Moscow from Beijing. After all, China and Russia have for centuries been competitors, adversaries, and even enemies. Take something as fundamental as their common border. After border skirmishes, they finally settled the boundary only in 2008, when Moscow formally transferred various parcels to China.

Vladimir Putin knows, however, that no border is ever finally fixed, and Chinese migrants are pouring into the sparsely populated Russian Far East. There, many of them hope to "retake" lands ceded by the Qing dynasty to Moscow in the 1850s and 1860s in what Chinese officials now call "unequal treaties." Beijing has made no formal claim to Vladivostok and surrounding areas, but it has been continually pushing the idea nonetheless.

In short, China poses the greatest threat to Russia, at least over the long term.

The Ramaswamy proposal, however, ignores the reality that as long as Putin and Xi Jinping rule, there is no realistic possibility of breaking up the two states. Both dictators view the world in similar terms; believe that their short-term interests coincide; and identify the same adversary, the United States of America. As Xi said on December 20 as he welcomed Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin to Beijing, "Maintaining and developing China-Russia relations well is a strategic choice made by both sides based on the fundamental interests of the two peoples."

Here;  World's Most Dangerous Combination: China and Russia :: Gatestone Institute

Even a casual observer can look around planet earth and realize that we are sitting on the edge of the abyss.  Here in America we are going to occupy ourselves with fighting about the rights of queers, throuples, tampon machines in boys bathrooms, men competing in women's sports, how many genders exist, killing unwanted babies in the womb and free college of all.

Meanwhile our enemies are at the gates.  I sure hope all the woke women of America can drop what they are doing, pick up some guns and grenades and be ready to fight the Russian and Chinese soldiers in hand to hand combat!  Because they sure do believe in their hearts that "women can do ANYTHING a man can do!!"  Sadly, I believe they have been convincing the US Military to believe that lie.

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