
Friday, January 12, 2024

The Cycle of Evil and the Collapse of All Things

 This dude from Switzerland is confirming what we have been saying for 15 years now.  Paper money is very near to the end.  There is so much debt issued by Western governments that soon no one will want it. This means they have to raise interest rates in an attempt to entice investors to buy it.  This in turn means the issuing government can’t pay the current interest on $34 trillion of debt.  So they have to print more which makes folks lose confidence even more!

So his only answer is to buy gold and silver and put it in a vault in a foreign country that you can flee to if your country gets nuked or civil war breaks out.


It is critical to hold gold and silver outside a fractured financial system in the safest jurisdictions preferably outside your country of residence. It is important to be able to flee to your wealth preservation asset if there are problems in your own country. 

It must also be kept in the safest vaults with direct personal access. Nuclear bomb proof vaults are an additional important protection but hard to find. We offer this in Switzerland for bigger investors.


Me again.  Also notice that he says there isn’t a man on earth that is currently set up to solve this problem.  Enter the Antichrist!!  Friends, if Jesus tarries and the USA and free world collapse in debt crisis, it could be a decade or more before people are “eating, drinking, marrying, planting and building” and living normal lives.  The table is set like NEVER before for the return of Jesus!  Let’s be ready!


The Cycle of Evil is also accompanied by decadence and moral decline where leaders invent problems that are not real such as climate change, ESG (environmental, social and governance), forced vaccines and incarcerations, 25 new genders and other woke issues etc. 

Few Americans understand that the next stage of the Cycle of Evil is about to hit them. 

And even fewer Europeans have a clue that they will be dragged down into the same debt collapse quagmire.

We have two wars both capable of leading to a major global conflict plus high risk of terrorism and jihads in the West. Just as with most global/world wars, there is no attempt at finding peace solutions. 

To make things worse, there is not a single Statesman in the West capable of taking a lead in solving the conflicts. 


We have a global debt burden of $330 trillion plus derivatives totalling $1.5-3 quadrillion with debt growing exponentially, especially in the US.  This will very soon develop into a debt crisis and collapse of a heavily leveraged Western world plus Japan and China and also emerging markets.


The downturn and eventual collapse in the global economy will lead to poverty, famine and misery for a great number of people in the West and Emerging Markets. 


It is intellectually fascinating but humanly depressing to watch how all the pieces fall into place for a global conflict of a magnitude greater than WW1 or WW2.

It is frightening to see how one component after the next falls into place in the Cycle of Evil.

Nobody realised that the shooting of the Archduke of Austria-Hungary Franz Ferdinand in 1914 would be the catalyst for WW1. 

Nor did anyone understand that Germany’s invasion of Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia  in 1938-9 and of Poland on September 1, 1939 would lead to WW2.

The two major conflicts in Ukraine and Israel-Palestine today with Taiwan looming combined with no attempt of peacemaking plus a likely collapse of the global financial system and world economy is more than enough to create devastation for the world for the next decade or more. 

Let us sincerely hope that all these events in the Cycle of Evil will not develop into global havoc.But even if that were to be avoided,  it is absolutely certain that global risk today is higher than at any time since the 1930s.

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