
Monday, January 15, 2024

UFOs; What if the Government has Lied?

They’re in the main Google Headlines again!  All this constant talk of UFOs and “aliens” visiting from other planets.  This one talks about the danger of uncovering yet another “conspiracy theory” only to find that your government has been lying to you for 75 years.  Did we really go to the moon?  Is Epstein really dead from suicide?  Did JFK really get shot dead by one rifleman using a bolt-action rifle 5 stories up?

Articles like these should be one more sign of how close we are to Tribulation, and the snatching away (by Jesus not aliens) must be even closer.


 If you thought that we were about to finally get the truth about UFOs, think again. At the end of last year, a US government bill that would have mandated the controlled release of all classified documents and artefacts relating to UFOs was significantly watered down at the last minute so that it would get through Congress.

Interest in unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), the new term for UFOs, reignited in June 2023 when ex-US intelligence agency whistleblower David Grusch told the Debrief website that during his official duties he had discovered the US had indeed been retrieving spacecraft of non-human origin for decades. The claims led to a congressional hearing, in which Grusch and others described what they had gleaned of this super-secret project, or seen with their own eyes during military service. Their testimonies resulted in the new Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Disclosure Act, authored by a bipartisan group of five elected representatives, led by Democrat majority leader Chuck Schumer and Republican senator Mike Rounds.

While it is easy to focus on the extraordinary nature of the subject or the credibility of those witnessing UAPs, the prospect of alien spacecraft raises serious issues that go beyond whether we’re alone in the universe. Lots of scientific work is under way not only to look for signs of extraterrestrial life, but more recently to ask what it would mean psychologically for us if aliens really do exist, and – potentially worse – if the authorities have been lying to us about what they know.

“These days it’s all about ‘my truth’, except for people who happen to see strange things in the sky. We don’t legitimise their truth.” He says they need help and support. “And we need to do that in the context of possible disclosure, because there might suddenly be 8 billion people who have to get used to the fact that they’re being told that there’s a very different worldview by exactly the organisations that they now realise have lied to them for the past 80 years.”

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