
Thursday, January 25, 2024

What do Jews Think is Happening in These Last Days?

 If you get a chance, read this entire article.  How interesting is it that they are watching for the Son of David and also watching for war of Magog and know it’s Russia.  You can see how their rejection of Jesus has opened them up to major deception.  But one day, during the Great Tribulation, the surviving Jews will recognize that Jesus was/is/always will be, their only Messiah.  They will call for Him to return to earth and save them.  And He will.  And we will be a witness to it all.


The first in a two-part series, Efraim Palvanov, a teacher and author of the blog Mayim Achronim (final waters), brings Biblical prophecies and Jewish sources that describe the current wars, in Ukraine and Israel, as being consistent with end-of-days predictions recorded in classical Jewish literature.

“I found something a few weeks ago that just really blew me away and I’ve been really excited to share it,” Palvanov said in the video. “But I’m gonna leave that to the end. We’ll save the best for last.”So don’t  fall asleep.”

Palvanov referred to lectures he gave two years ago during the pandemic in which he suggested that the world was in the pre-messiah period. 

“When I actually went back to look at it, it was pretty amazing that what we suggested three years ago has pretty much come true, quite exactly year by year,” Palvanov said.

He referred to a famous prophecy that appears in several places in the Talmud and Midrash about the final seven years before the Moshiach (Messiah) comes. And we made a suggestion then that we are within this seven year time period.”

Palvanov then began to teach from the Talmud (Sanhedrin 97a):

“The Sages taught with regard to the seven-year period, [i.e., the Sabbatical cycle] during which the Messiah, son of David, comes: During the first year, this verse will be fulfilled: “And I will cause it to rain upon one city and cause it not to rain upon another city” (Amos 4:7). During the second year of that period, arrows of famine will be shot. During the third year, there will be a great famine, and men, women, children, the pious, and men of action will die, and the Torah is forgotten by those who study it. During the fourth year, there will be plenty but not great plenty. During the fifth year, there will be great plenty and they will eat, drink, and rejoice, and the Torah will return to those who study it. During the sixth year, heavenly voices will be heard. During the Sabbatical Year, wars, [e.g., the war of Gog and Magog], will be waged involving the Jewish people. During the year after the conclusion of the Sabbatical Year, the son of David will come.”

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