
Thursday, February 8, 2024

Black WIVES Mattter

This article below was written by a black man for Newsweek.  He nails it when he points to the fact that black children have a very low chance of having a father and mother in the same home helping to raise them and hoping to love them.  Consequently lots of black males end up on the street with their pants on the ground, hanging out with other criminal types just waiting to be another black dude going to jail.  People want to blame it on racism but what they really should be blaming is the black culture that has allowed the black family to be led down the road to destruction.  Look it up for yourselves but last time I checked 7% of Americans were black males and that small group are responsible for over 50% of violent crimes.  


For millions of people across the country, February is a time to reflect on the contributions black Americans have made to our rich national history. But for a handful of educators, the first week of this month is dedicated to amplifying year-round efforts to introduce the values of the Black Lives Matter movement into K-12 classrooms.

One of those principles is to "disrupt the Western prescribed nuclear family structure." But rebuilding—not destroying—the black family should be the top priority for people who claim to care about race and equality.

 What America needs today is a "Black Wives Matter" movement that reestablishes marriage as the foundation of black family life and increases the percentage of black children who are born to—and raised by—their married biological parents. At the core of this movement are three words: marriage before carriage.

"Marriage before carriage" was the norm for black Americans for most of the 20th century. U.S. Census data show that from 1890 to 1960, black men and women were more likely to be married by age 35 than their white counterparts. But by 1965, when the state of the black family concerned policymakers enough to issue the Moynihan report, one in four black children were born to unmarried parents. Today, the non-marital birth rate for black women is 70 percent, and 44 percent of black children live with a single mother.

The Left claims to care about racial equality, yet it's hard to find a single civil rights organization or progressive politician who will discuss this issue publicly. Their acceptance of the status quo is bad for women and children.

Over 45 percent of single mothers with children under the age of six live in poverty, while married couples with children have a single-digit poverty rate. Decades of research have also shown that children raised in homes with married parents have better social and emotional outcomes than children in any other arrangement.

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