
Thursday, February 22, 2024

IDF Patches Include One That Anticipates the Jewish Messiah

When Jesus came the first time the Jews rejected him.  Since then, individual Jews could accept Jesus, but the nation of Israel will experience a temporary blindness until “the fullness of the gentiles comes in”.  The fact that Israelis are publicly longing for their messiah and the building of the third temple, should show us what season we are in. Their false messiah will end up being the Antichrist and will set himself in the Temple and declare himself to be God.  This will fulfill a lot of prophesies including what Jesus said to the Jews, “I have come in my Father’s name and you don’t accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him.”


 On October 7, Hamas invaded Israel and on October 8, the IDF began Operation Iron Swords with the stated goal of eliminating the existential threat on the southern border. While the mission is clear and the IDF soldiers are intensely motivated, the gradual appearance of personalized patches indicates an additional, more messiah-oriented motivation that is growing among the troops. And it has Hamas terrified of the IDF.

Last month, a post appeared on Telegram Featuring an American “mercenary” fighting for the IDF. The soldier was standing guard at night in full battle gear when he made the video.

“They call this operation the Swords of Iron,” he said to the camera as he took a velcro patch from his fatigues displaying the symbol for the war. “But what are we really fighting for? We are fighting for the right of the Jewish people to exist, be Jewish, and practice their religion, and be free,” he said, removing another velcro patch with a Star of David. 

“And one day, our true leader will come and we will be united as a whole Jewish nation,” he said, displaying a patch that had a crown and the word ‘Moshiach’ (Messiah). “So that we can rebuild the Beit Hamikdash (the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem),” he said, displaying a patch with an image of the Temple.

“But until then, what makes us unique is that we’re that one nation who believes in One God that ultimately makes that one reason, ‘Am Yisrael Chai’ [the nation of Israel lives],’ he concluded.

The video was reposted on pro-Hamas sites which identified the Moshiach symbol as belonging to the Chabad Hasidic movement which believes the Messiah “will arrive as part of the Apocalyptic Prophecies of the Old Testament to restore the Glory of Zion & Eretz Israel”.

The pro-Hamas site stated that the Moshiach will be “The Transition, this one, from a Republican, secular and liberal-democratic Israel, to a Messianic Kingdom, ruled by Halakha, a Kingdom led by the long-awaited Moshiach as dreamed by the Kahanists allied with Netanyahu.”

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