
Wednesday, February 28, 2024

More Gun Laws to Prevent Suicide??

 Today we read of a story about a 21 yr old girl who was having mental problems so she went to a gun shop and bought a gun, after lying on the Federal form about her mental health, and then shot herself dead.  The family and most folks on the Left want more laws to prevent this from happening again.  So let’s say this girl was denied the right to purchase a gun, couldn’t she have killed herself by hanging, taking an overdose of pills, carbon monoxide poisoning in her own car or 20 other ways to kill your self?  Maybe we should pass a law that anyone going on the roof of a building has to pass a mental health exam so they can’t jump to their death?  Why in the world is suicide brought up in the “gun violence” debate?


Hailey’s friends and family have started a petition to create what they are calling “Hailey’s Law,” which would mandate a comprehensive mental health evaluation for people seeking to purchase guns, putting into effect at least a two day hold before purchasing.

With Hailey’s passing, her family also made the decision to donate her organs.

“So while I’m happy that all of her organs were able to be donated to people and then was able to help save them, I’d rather my daughter be here,” says Strong.

When you buy a gun, you have to fill out a federal form that asks if you’ve ever spent time in a mental health institution. Family members say Hailey said no, so she was still able to buy a gun.

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