
Monday, February 26, 2024

Ocean Current Could Collapse and Put Europe Into Ice Age

 I think it's called "doom scrolling".  This is the practice of looking for headlines that spell out humanity's doom and then makes people feel really bad.  We must admit that this blog has carried hundreds of posts about the imminent doom of humanity but we do it for a much different reason that hoping to make our readers feel hopeless and bad.  We do it to point to the headlines that everyone is seeing and reading and to make us WAKE UP because our redemption is drawing near!  This is GOOD NEWS!  As followers of Christ we simply don't have to fear ANYTHING that this fallen world has to throw at us.  Even if the mountains fall into the sea we don't need to fear.

So with that refresher, let's look at another "imminent doom" article that has been scrolling across

Scientists are sounding the alarm that a crucial component of the planet's climate system is in gradual decline and could one day reach a tipping point that would radically alter global weather patterns.

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, or AMOC, is a system of ocean currents that circulate water in the Atlantic Ocean like a conveyor belt, helping to redistribute heat and regulate global and regional climates. New research, however, warns that the AMOC is weakening under a warming climate, and could potentially suffer a dangerous and abrupt collapse with worldwide consequences.

"This is bad news for the climate system and humanity," researchers from Utrecht University's Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research wrote in a new study published in the journal Science Advances.

Considering the AMOC is the workhorse of the Atlantic, the consequences of such a collapse would result in "hugely chaotic changes in global weather patterns" that extend far beyond the Atlantic, said Daniel Swain, a climate scientist with UCLA who was not involved in the study.

"It would plunge Europe into essentially a regionalized Ice Age, while leaving the rest of the world on its continued warming path," Swain said. "The Southern Hemisphere would roast, the Pacific storm track would go kind of nuts, and there would be these extreme shifts in weather patterns that are very different from what you would expect from a more incremental or linear warming path."

The odds of such a collapse are low — about 5% or 10% this century, according to some researchers — but the consequences are so great that it would be unwise to ignore the possibility, Swain said.

"There's still a [90%] to 95% chance that won't happen, but would you be willing to bet the farm on a [90%] to 95% chance that something like this doesn't happen?" he said. "Would you get on a plane if there were a [90%] to 95% chance that it won't crash? I certainly wouldn't."

The AMOC moves water in the Atlantic Ocean from north to south and back again in a long cycle, but there are indications that it has been weakening over the last century, including a roughly 15% decrease since 1950.

The system relies on a delicate balance of warm surface water and cold, salty water that sinks toward the sea floor, which together keep the current churning. But as the planet warms, melting glaciers and ice sheets — such as the Greenland ice sheet — are adding more freshwater to the system, which is diluting its salinity and disrupting traditional patterns.

"It's a self-amplifying feedback loop mainly affecting salinity, and the fresher the North Atlantic Ocean becomes, the weaker the AMOC, until you reach a critical value," said René van Westen, the study's lead author.

The study does not place a time frame on when such a collapse could occur, and Van Westen said such estimates can be controversial. But the paper was the first to demonstrate that the AMOC can reach a tipping point if enough freshwater is added to the system.

Here;  Scientists warn that a crucial ocean current could collapse, altering global weather (

Of course scientists have been sounding our imminent doom for as long as any of us can remember.  We could list 15 things in the past 50 years including melting ice caps, rising sea levels, ice age coming for America in the 1970's, too hot, too cold, magnetic poles are going to flip, sun is going to explode, meteor could hit us and kill everyone, etc...

We do think that a lot of these things could and will happen during the Great Tribulation which is set to happen a lot sooner than anyone thinks.  And maybe this current warning WILL HAPPEN sometime soon...after the rapture of the church and during the time that Jesus said will be the worst time earth will ever experience.  In fact, He says, if He didn't return to put a stop to it, NO FLESH ON EARTH WOULD SURVIVE.  Now that sounds like a warning that science should pay heed to!

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